A daughter

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"Hello, earth 38."

"Barry? What are you doing here?" Kara asked

"I came to check on you. Last I came here you were missing and we couldn't find you anywhere. So where have you been? I've been so worried." He said

Barry was like the brother that I never had, always caring and worried about me even in another universe. It's not like Kal-El wasn't like my brother or didn't worry or care about, he did, very much, but it wasn't the same. He is family. We are related by blood but Barry and I aren't and yet he treats me like I was his little sister.

"I am fine Barry. No need to worry. Where I was and what happened doesn't really matter anymore, it's all in the past. How have you been?" I said gently

He looked at me before smiling and said:"Well, these couple months have been eventful to say the least but what actually really matters is the outcome of it. Actually, one of the reasons of me coming other than checking on you would be....huh...I don't know how to say it...uh....I actually have a daughter."

"That's amazing Barry when did that happen?" I said excited before pulling him in a bone crushing hug (not literally). When I broke our hug, it was Alex's turn to engulf him in a hug congratulating him and soon enough it was Mon-el's turn.

I looked fondly at Mon-el when he let go as he smiled at me pulling me in for a brief side hug and left his arm on my waist before I said:"Well if we're in an announcing mood then you have to know that....I am pregnant, Barry."

His smile widened and, this time, he was the one to pull both me and Mon-el in a hug. It's strange how life works but I'm not going to complain, I already learned my lesson. I already understood its mechanism. When a door closes, a million of others open and welcome you to great adventures and the one that Mon-el and I chose is the biggest of all.

"I am so happy for you Kara; you can't even imagine how happy I am right now." He said "but, you didn't let me finish. My daughter is actually from the future, and I would like you to meet her, all of you. I want to take team Supergirl on a vacation for a few days; do you think that's doable?"

"Yes Barry, I think it is, I mean we'll need to see if J'onn will accept to leave the city in the D.E.O's hands but I think we'll manage. What do you mean by 'from the future' Barry?"

"Well apparently, in the future Nora, my daughter, is from I am dead. She was a couple years old when I vanished." He said with tears in eyes. It's astonishing how much the mood in this room changed from sad and guilty to joyful and back again.

"What exactly happened Barry, maybe we can help you change it." I said hopefully

"I don't know what happened but what I do know is that I will make sure that that doesn't occur. I'll make to give my daughter a father that will love her, that will hold her in his arms when she's scared, that will protect her from any harm and will make sure that the boys or girls who break her heart pay for that dearly. I will go to the moon and back to make her happy, to make her smile. I know that I won't be able to prevent her from ever shedding tears but I will be there to wipe every single one of them and make sure she learns from her mistakes. I will give her the life that she never had; I will give her the missing peace that was in her life when I was gone and heal her wounds with love." He said and I couldn't help but tear up a bit. I felt Mon-el's free arm rest over my belly, over our growing belly and I was certain at that moment that every single thing that Barry said, Mon-el was going to do the same to our children and so would I. I looked up at my mate and saw a gentle smile resting on his face as he looked at me and I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I kissed him tenderly, sweetly. As much as love our heated kisses it was these kind of kisses that melted my heart to mush and made me fall deeper in love with him. Once again the room's mood shifted and this time to a peaceful, calm one. The silence that fell on the room wasn't uncomfortable; in the contraire it was simply alluring as each one of us was lost in their own thoughts. I rested my head over Mon-el's chest, hearing his heartbeat never failed to make me feel at home. Home. It's been a really long time since I felt at home. I lost my home when I was a child and ended up on earth that slowly start to become said home, and as much as I love and am grateful for the Danvers, earth never entirely felt like home and even when Mon-el and I went to Argo city it didn't feel like home anymore. I was lost, I was searching for a home not knowing its definition until that fateful night where we decided to try again and ever since I started feeling at home again but I only realised the meaning of 'Home' until Mon-el and I mated and ever since I felt a ease as if I was in a really long journey and that I could finally rest. Earthlings have figured it out already but I couldn't let myself believe it. Home really was where the heart was.

The silence was broken by Alex's phone ringing. It was J'onn. He needed her help in something and she had to go. She hugged Barry and promised to talk to J'onn about the holidays on earth prime and by that I knew that she meant begging him to let them go as well as join them in their little vacancy. J'onn would never admit it but he had a soft spot for us and we were exploiting it as much as we could. I guess that's what a father's job is.

We said our goodbyes to Barry as well as he had to go back to his world, to his family, and we promised to call him to inform him of the verdict. Soon enough, it was just me and Mon-el standing there holding each other close in Alex's apartment. It was hard to pull away from each other but we had to in order to go back to our apartment.

Normally we would just fly or super speed back to house but this time we walked in silence as Mon-el kept me close to him.

Along the way to our apartment, I smiled to myself as my thoughts wondered to the child that was growing inside me each day and I started to think about having a daughter. Mon-el was always so certain that the child that I was baring was a girl but me not so sure. I wouldn't know how to raise a daughter especially after the mischief that Alex and I pulled on poor Eliza. I didn't want to deal with that but Barry's words hit me straight to the heart. It doesn't really matter if it's a boy or a girl, I will love and protect them no matter what the cost.    

Sorry for the long wait, I was really busy this last month. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

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