At the bar II

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Mon-El's P.O.V

This car ride is hellish. Kara and I have been sending each other awkward glances trying to find a way to diminish the awkward silence that rained between the four of us. The air in here is filled with a sexual tension so palpable that you could suffocate, and contrary to what you must be thinking it's not coming from Kara and I.

'Are you sure they asked you to ride with them?'

'Yeah but I don't think they expected you to come.'

'So, I'm the reason this sexual tension is in the air? Please, tell me who in this car wants to have his way with me?'


At that last response from Kara, I looked at her smirking as she was blushing so much I thought she was going to explode.

'Fuck this car ride and these people. There is enough sexual tension in here; I think we should do a little something about it.' I said wiggling my eyebrows as she blushed harder and literally screamed in my head 'SHUT UP!' and I couldn't help myself but laugh receiving confused stares from James as Lena glanced at us from the mirror briefly before focusing on the road again, but honestly I could care less right now about them and pulled Kara in for the kiss that we've been longing for all day long.

I thought she was going to stop me from going further than a simple kiss but she positioned herself on my lap, straddling me, putting her hands around my neck as mine went automatically to her waist before my left hand went to the back of her head slowly sneaking into her hair.

The world, at that moment, vanished and the only thing; one, I could hear and be aware of was Kara. Her touch makes me dizzy every single time and I am addicted to it. The ride that I once wished to be over as fast as possible is now a ride that I wish to be endless.

After what felt like an eternity, we pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other.

We stayed in that trance for a little while longer, before a cough coming from an annoyed James broke it.

'He's annoyed that we made out while he couldn't or...' I said

'Definitely because he couldn't do the same with Lena.'

We entered the bar and found that not all of our friends arrived there yet but Elrich definitely was present even though he wasn't interacting with everybody else. I decided that it might be a good moment for the both of them to meet.

"Kara, I need you to meet someone."I said

"Who?" she asked confused, frowning.


At the mention of his name, a smile erupted making her frown vanish before she asked 'he's here?'

My response was a simple nod, before I directed her towards the farthest and most secluded table in the bar, without the others noticing, and coming to face with Elrich.

Elrich is the kind of person that rarely smiles, even though he has a beautiful one in my opinion, but I guess that's what makes it more special every time he does like right when he noticed us before he stood up greeting.

"Elrich, I'd like you to meet my mate Kara. Kara this is Elrich."

"Pleasure." She said with a small, shy smile that is rarely seen on her.

"The pleasure is mine, dear." He responded her before saying gesturing to the spair chairs in his table "where are my manners? Please take a seat."

So we did.

"It's lovely to finally meet you, Elrich. I wanted to thank you for what you've done for us during the mating season. I don't think we could ever repay you for that."

"No need to repay me, dear. A friend asked for help and I gave it to him."

"You're really a good friend, Elrich. I'm happy to know Mon has made such a great friend on earth." She said, and for a second, my heart filled with pride, love and happiness at the same time.

"Well he is a good friend as well I guess. Anyways, after the little party in which you two are going to announce things I already know, I want to show the both of you something that I think will be interesting." Kara and I were both confused at what he meant and I know that no matter how much I'll pester him he'll still not give anything away. It's a quality that can turn into a really annoying inconvenient sometimes but well if we want to find out we'll have to wait until the end of the announcement. It's a shame that Elrich isn't going to partake in our little party but I understand his need to stay away from the humans, as he said once that he suffered enough from them.

When we went back to where the others were, the table was full and all the guests have arrived. After chatting for a while, Kara figured it was time to tell them the news and so she said:"Okay everybody, so we invited all of you today to tell you that...Mon-el and I are kind of engaged and we are...."

"That's amazing!!!" Alex said excited cutting through Kara's announcement along with everyone else that took turns congratulating and hugging us as we looked at each other before I said:"Yeah, it's great I know but there's an even better one."

"What could be better than that?" Winn said with a smile that soon disappeared as shock and silence reigned over everyone as Kara said:"me being pregnant."

The silence that reigned was broken when Alex yelled laughing in both happiness and disbelief:"I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!!" before jumping on Kara hugging her as my 'fiancé' giggled and squealed along with her sister over the happy news. Ever since the mating season in which Kara and I were gone missing, Alex secluded herself from Kara feeling like she deceived her and wasn't there to protect her baby sister from the enemy.

After hours and hours of celebrations, people finally started going home and soon enough the only ones that were still in the bar were me, Kara, Elrich and M'gan.

We looked at him and he smiled before he got up of his table and made his way to the counter signalling us to follow him, and so we did. We stopped right in front of M'gan that glanced up a little confused before understanding filled her eyes and smiled as Elrich said:"Enishka"

She got out of behind the counter and made her way to a door that we surprisingly never noticed before, opened it and entered with Elrich behind her. None of us knew where the hell they were leading us but we followed anyways after all we did trust them.

The door led to a long and tiny hall before we found stairs that went down. At the end of the stairs there was......A WALL??? What the Hell???

M'gan touched the bricks on the wall before she pushed some of them in a certain order. That made the whole wall to shake and the its bricks to shift and move left and right creating an entrance for us; and once we grasped what was behind that wall made our eyes so big you would think they were going to pop. Building tall and high that I've never seen in National City, aliens everywhere of every part of the universe kids, women, men; a whole other word.

"Welcome to the underworld, Kara, Mon-el." M'gan said

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