Chapter 19

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After long hours of riding, we finally reached our destination. Although I'm not really sure how long those hours were, since we're so used to the super speed; the car ride was actually enjoyable. I mean how could it not when you have a Kara with you that is doing nothing but lightening the mood with singing and joking around? The ride was full of laughter especially when people all around you gave you weird glances at Kara's behaviour and at the fact that we had to stop five times to do a refill of pizza, pot stickers, ice cream and so much more. I am seriously intrigued by how her stomach can handle all of that at once.

Anyway we just finished checking in and we are making our way to our suite and I hope she's going to like it and if she doesn't I'll say it was Winn's idea as always.

I opened the door for her and let her enter first. I'm a prince after all and my duty is to spoil, care and love my princess that will soon become my queen in the human's ways and I her king and we'll live happily ever after like in those human fairy tales.

Kara P.O.V

After checking in the hotel we made our way towards our room and Mon-el, being the gentleman that he always was, opened our room's door for me and after the first look in it to say that I was stunned would be an understatement. Our 'room' is a damn suite, a very big suite.

There was a king size bed right in the middle of the room with the sun shining upon it making it glow showing its splendour not to mention the kitchenette and the dining table along with the most beautiful living room I've ever seen. This place is so much better than our apartment it's insane. How the hell did Mon-el pay for a place like this his only bartender?

'Please do not under estimate me. You know as a bartender I have more resources than the D.E.O' said a voice in my head that was no other's than Mon-el's

I turned to him and said:"You know someone from the bar?"

He smirked then said:"No, I know an alien that apparently owns this whole place."

"The owner of the four seasons is an alien??? What is happened in this world?"

"Nothing happened you're just now realising things like that."

"But I saw his face on a magazine, that guy is no alien."

"And for other humans so are you. You and I look exactly the same as humans in the exception of small details like the fact that my heart is on the right side of my chest or like how your IQ is 125 and you're making people thing like it's actually 100." 'How the hell does he know that not even Alex or Eliza know that?' "Babe you really have to get used to the fact that I'm in your mind. I'm a part of you now and you are a part of me and together we are one person, for 125 IQ you're really slow." He said teasingly and I slapped his arm playfully pouting before turning around and starting to make my way to the bed but before I even made a step I was in Mon-el's arms that no matter the situation made feel safe and whole. We stayed like that for a few minutes before reluctantly letting go, it's so easy for me to get lost in his warmth even though we didn't let go completely. We were looking at each other and all I could feel was a pull so hard to resist. It was so strong to fight and I did not want to do so, so I lost myself in that gravitational pull crashing my lips with Mon-el's with the most heated kiss we've ever had so far. When we came into this hotel all I wanted to do was to go eat something as I was starving but that goal changed the second Mon-el engulfed me in his arms and now all I want to do is to drown in the feel of him.

We kissed for what felt like an eternity before I felt his hands that were exploring my body travel down to my ass squeezing its cheeks momentarily before going further down to my thighs and pulling me up as I wrapped my legs around him and he moved us to the bed. All I could feel was him, his skin, his body heat, his hands, his tongue, his love as we made love.

I like this place already.

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