chapter 17

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Mon-el P.O.V

I was at the bar working when I heard a scream of distress ringing through my head and I immediately knew who it was. Kara. I dropped everything in my hands and I run as fast as I could toward Cat Co.

I swear to god that if that bastard dares lay one hand on my Kara I will kill him.

The anger that I felt was incomparable and all I could see was red especially the moment that I entered Kara's office and found him hovering her ready to harm her. At that moment I couldn't give a damn about my secret identity all I cared about was Kara and the one thing on my mind was exterminate the enemy. I glared at him and moved toward him slowly before freeing Kara's hand from his, making sure she was out of harm, I pinned him to the wall. All I wanted to do was beat him to death but I knew I couldn't.

"Go get Lena" I said to Kara and she obliged quickly.

With Kara out it were only me and him.

I could hear his heart racing and pumping so hard you would think it was going to burst out of his chest.

No one P.O.V

"So you think you can go and threaten my wife let alone dare lay a hand on her." He said darkly.

Hamilton gulped out of fear but he couldn't let his fear in display to his opponent so he said "Wife? That bitch is married? Must be good in bed if she got herself a man, maybe I'll take her for a ride lat..." but before he could finish his sentence Mon-el punched him sending him to the ground with a bloodied and probably broken nose and he pulled him to his feet, almost tearing the collar... he heard the slight rasp of material ripping and before Hamilton could process what was happening he found himself on the ground again with Mon-el throwing punches at him over and over again.

Mon-el was having trouble controlling the force of his punches and fearing that he might kill him he stopped and got on his feet before spitting on his bloodied face and said:" Another word about my wife and you'll be dead and don't think for one second that I won't be able to do it." Hamilton looked up at him from the floor and gave him a smirk and a daring look that emphasized his words:"I dare you" and as Mon-el was going to hit him again Kara and Lena as well as James stormed in the room but stopped dead in their tracks at the look of pure hate in Mon-el's eyes directed to Hamilton and Kara ran to him and wrapped her hands around his neck and whispered in his ear calming words as well as using their connection to sooth him down and after a few seconds he returned her hug and held her as tie as he could without breaking her and buried his head in her neck mimicking her actions.

While the two lovers were on their bubble Lena and James took care of Hamilton making sure to attract no one's attention in order to prevent Kara more trouble. James called Alex for re-enforcement and the news of her sister being a near victim of a pig like Hamilton angered her to no end and she rushed there along with a few D.E.O members that took him from there without creating a fuss before going inside her sister's office to check on her and signed in relief at the sight of her safe sister and she was overjoyed when her sister pulled her in a hug when she noticed her arrival eventually breaking her hug with Mon-el. She could feel her sister's body literally shaking under her arms and that was a rare thing to happen but on the contraire of what people would think Kara was not shacking from fear at least not for what happened she was more concerned for Mon-el as she could feel and hear all the emotions and thoughts that were emanating from him when he faced Hamilton, the red's anger colour that blinded him from all rational thought when he dared him to kill him.

Kara was off duty for the rest of the day after that event. Mon-el and Alex accompanied her home and Mon-el directed her to bed and told to shower and get some sleep and he will join her in a few seconds before he went to talk to Alex.

"To think I was planning to propose to her today..."

Alex said laughing:"Maybe you should try another day like...tomorrow or another day this week"

He laughed along before saying:" I wouldn't bet on tomorrow but it'll definitely be this week or I'll lose the bit of courage I have to do so"

After laughing for a while Alex had to go back to work as Mon-el went back to his ladylove's side after calling M'gan and taking the rest of the day off. He found Kara peacefully resting on the bed looking at the sealing waiting for him patiently and apparently lost in her thoughts. He stayed like that watching her for a moment before she turned to him feeling his loving gaze on her and smiled at him. He made his way from the doorway to the bed where Kara scooted over and made him some place to join her under the covers which he did gladly, he took her in his arms and pressed their foreheads together as he whispered to her sweet loving words that she rewarded with gentle kisses full of love that turned into passionate and heated ones and she found herself soon enough underneath him with his lips moving south worshipping her with his kisses.

After hours of repeated love making, Kara fell asleep, exhausted and content, with her head over her husband's chest listening to the most relaxing melody she has ever heard; his heartbeat, while Mon-el stroked her hair gently with a smile lingering on his face and a though on his mind 'I can't wait to ask her'

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