Two months ago II

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Alex's P.O.V

A month passed and still no trace or clue on what this mating season is. By this point only Maggie and I know about this and we've been investigating quietly. Maggie interrogated a lot of aliens -if they knew anything about this then they should tell us- but they either don't know or hide their knowledge of the subject very well and it's beginning to frustrate me. My anger issues are really getting in the way in this investigation as I more than once had bar fights that only Maggie could get me out of.

I decided today that I should tell Winn about this, Maggie and I aren't finding anything but maybe with his help we can access any type of information that will help us make a step further and not back, so here I am walking down the D.E.O's halls searching for Winn. It didn't take me long to find, as Kara 'would say want to find Winn, look for computers' and that's what I did. He was in the server room trying to fix something that I will never understand or catch its name.


"Yeah, oh hey Alex it's lovely to see you again" he said gently. Winn has always been my favourite person in the group. He is by far the most kind, gentle, funny and generous one.

"It's good to see you too Winny." I said smiling and as I did his whole face lit up.

"I need your help on something Winny." I said and he immediately replied:"anything you want Alex."

I took a breath before saying:"Ok look it's going to sound crazy but....a while back I discovered something that is related to Kara's disappearance and I've been investigating on it with Maggie but we didn't find anything. I didn't want to tell anyone about it until I had more information but it's like an impossible quest. We interrogated a whole bunch of aliens but none of them is cooperating with us. I need you Winn. I need you to help me try to understand this....thing."

"Ok, of course I'll help you. Tell me more about it." He said and I felt relief wash over me.

We moved somewhere more private away from prying eyes and cameras before I proceeded to tell him everything I knew about the 'mating season' as he carefully listened. When I finished a silence lingered between us for a moment before he said:"mating season?" I nodded and watched as his face crunched into what I believed to be confusion before he said:"I've seen that name before. I've read it in one of the kryptonian books that Clark gave Kara and that I translated but I don't think there was any information on it."

"Do you think Alura knows something about it?" I asked

"I don't know but I'll try to reprogram her and make her answer us as well and not just Kara. Don't worry, we'll figure it out after all we're stronger together, aren't we?" I smiled at his words before we parted away.

A Few Hours Later...

I received a frantic call from Winn asking me to come to Alura's hologram's room in the D.E.O. Lucky for me; I was near the D.E.O and rushed back there.

When I entered the room and the first think I noticed was the jungle of countless wires that were hanging from the roof or down on the ground in which I then localised Winn. He was there standing in the middle of it looking at what seemed to be Alura in all her glory. I made my way towards him and when I finally reached him he offered me a smile and said:"I did it, I reprogrammed her but I don't know if she knows anything about it yet, but either way I think I have an idea about what this 'mating season' is about."

"You do?" I asked surprised. How could he have figured it out in such a short amount of time when I had weeks?

"Yes, and soon enough you will too." He said before facing Alura again and asked:"Alura, what is 'mating season'"

'Mating season: a season where the chosen children of Rao are to be together.'

"Tell us more about it."

'Rao loves and protects all his children and doesn't want them to suffer in their journey to him. He believes that in order for it to be pleasant and happy then his children should find love so he created the soul mates. Soul mates are created from one soul divided in two different bodies; the bearers of the soul will always feel the void in them and will only feel whole again when they are each others. Because of the differences between Krypton and Daxam, there were souls that never found each other so he made the Mating season where the bearers have to find each other and mate before its too late.'

"What do you mean by 'too late'?" I asked a little worried.

'Those who defy Rao's will, will perish from madness and extreme pain.'

"Extreme pain, what the hell are talking about?"

'Defying a god's will is a very big crime and those that stand in his pathway will be punished greatly. The souls have to join or else their bearers' bodies wouldn't be able to hold the void inside them. When Rao's children are chosen then they are to be together no matter what the situation between our two nations.'

"So I was right." Winn said and I looked at him and asked:"how did you know all of this?"

"I didn't know all of this. I just concluded from the name of the season that Kara and Mon-el were going at it like rabbits."

I looked at him and then said:"I didn't want to believe that they were animals with a heat season but it apparently is the case. They are animals in heat."


"Wait so Winn knows too." Kara asked


"And...You're not mad?" she asked

"I've been angry for a very long time and I'm just tired of it. I was angry at C.A.D.M.U.S because I thought that they took you from me, then I was angry at the aliens at the bar that didn't help me and in the end I was angry at myself for not seeing what you and Mon-el were going through but never have I ever been angry at you because....Kara you're my baby sister related by blood or not I would never blame you for something like that and especially after hearing what would happen if stopped you from doing it and I know that I would've stopped you Kara. I'm not proud of it but at least I know my flaws and own them. What you did was right Kara. I would've never understood if you told me what you were up to and I would've ended up killing you both of you." I said sincerely. It's the first time I've said this out loud but that is exactly what I felt after what Alura told us and after thinking long and hard I came to the conclusion that my sister was indeed right for doing what she did. That night was the first that I slept through with no pain, worry or anger. That night I felt peaceful and serene and I couldn't be happier about it.

"Nevertheless, I'm sorry for what I did. I am glad that you accepted my apologies but that doesn't get this guilt off my back." She said with tears in her eyes and I smiled at her and said:"soon enough, it will go away." before I pulled her in a very much needed hug from both of us.

Suddenly, as we were hugging, a portal opened out of thin air and Barry came through it with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Hello, earth 38."

"Barry?What are you doing here?" Kara asked    

Sorry for the wait. Please enjoy. 

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