Austin's Day - Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Austin’s P.O.V.

I woke up already feeling like crap. I knew Alan was going to try and get everything he could out of me, and that wasn’t stuff that I was willing to tell. It was stuff that I don’t want to even think about myself. It was still a touchy subject for me, and it be worse to talk about it at that point. It had only happened a few months ago, and the person was still trying to contact me, and stay in my business. He was my first ‘real’ boyfriend, and he was an obsessive at that.

I looked over and saw Alan curled up in a ball on the complete opposite side of the bed he fell asleep on. I was slightly confused, but I figured he’d moved over because he wasn’t used to sleeping with someone else in the same bed as him. I passed it off, and got out of bed. I figured that if all Alan was going to do was pay attention to me, I might as well make him breakfast for him.

I walked into my kitchen, and found all the necessary supplies to make cereal. As much as I wished I could make him something nice, I didn’t have the time, nor patience to do it. I poured the milk and cheerios into the bowl, then went back to my room. I walked in and saw that Alan was awake. It looked like he was on twitter on his phone. “Morning princess.” I said when I walked in. He must not have been expecting me, because he almost fell off the bed he was so scared.

I set the bowl down on the dresser next to my bed, and ran over to him. I lay down next to him, and wrapped my arms around him. “I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I whispered in his ear. “It’s fine Austin. It’s your day. We worry about you, not me.” he tried to wriggle from my grasp. “Absolutely not.” I held him to me tighter. “Austin.” he growled. “I thought it was my day. I’ve decided that you’re not aloud to leave my arms.” I said stubbornly. He groaned in protest, but kissed my cheek anyway.

I sat up, and he did with me. He moved over to his side of the bed, but not before taking his bowl of cereal. I fake coughed into my hand and waited for him to notice. I kept doing it, progressively getting more violent. “Do you need help?” he gasped after what felt like ten minutes over exaggerated hacking. “No, but I never did say that you could leave me.” I pouted. “B-But I was eating food. You can’t make me cuddle and eat. You know that I suck at multi-tasking.” he whined. “Well I thought maybe you would comply, since it is my day.”

He sat his bowl on the table, and crawled over to me. “Babe. You aren’t aloud to do this to me.” he groaned. “I am aloud to do whatever I please. Today is my day, and what I want to do is spend time with you.” I nuzzled my nose into his neck. “I was hoping you’d vent to me, so we can solve some obvious problems.” “But that’s not what I wanna do. Dwelling on my problems isn’t going to help them, it’s going to make it worse. Spending time with you however, will make everything better.” I laughed, and pulled him closer to me.

“Austin.” he dead-panned. “Alan.” I mocked him. “You’re great and all, but I don’t think you’re right. Even though dwelling on the problem won’t make it better, it doesn’t help to completely ignore it either. You need to confront it and try and fix it.” he stated confidently. “I already have it figured out. Is it such a crime to want to spend time with you, and not be sad. I really like what we have Alan, and bringing in so many problems so early is kind of a hazard. It’s probably better if we leave it be.” I tried to persuade him.

“Yet again I think you’re wrong. Could you at least tell me what the problem is?” I could tell that he was getting impatient. “When I tell you I love you, then you can know about my problems.” I bribed him. “You’ve said it a bunch of times, and now you’re going to purposely avoid those words.” he said frustratedly. “I promise I won’t. When I say I love you, and I truly mean it, then you can ask right away what’s wrong, and I’ll tell you. I won’t avoid the words, because I’ll make sure to tell you as soon as I feel it.” I promised him.

“I dunno Austie I-” I cut him off before he could say anything else. “You haven’t called me Austie in like three days. What’s up with that?” I questioned. He shrugged. “I just haven’t called you Austie. I guess I’m just not used to it.” “Are you also not used to sleeping with someone in the same bed, because I woke up and you were on the complete opposite side of the bed than when you went to bed.” “I had a nightmare, and went to get water. I didn’t want to wake you up, because that’d be mean, so I just layed down on the other side.” he explained.

“What was your nightmare about?” I asked him. “It was a weird one. I can’t really remember it, but I’m pretty sure it was us getting in a huge fight and never talking again. It happens to most people who get really attached to someone. Or maybe it’s just me. I’m not sure. I don’t know, but it was scary.” he rambled. “Well,” I started, and pulled him onto my lap, “you don’t have to ever worry about that. I would never leave you. You’re all I care about, and I would never want to get rid of that.”

“Tha-” he quickly cupped his hands over his mouth and shook his head, “I didn’t say that, so let’s pretend it never happened.” I laughed and kissed his cheek.  “Are you ready to spend an entire day serenading me in whatever I please?” I sing-songed. “I guess. But can I ask for one thing?” he asked. “What’s that?” I responded. “That after today, you sing to me whenever I want you to, because you’re really perfect, and so is your singing voice, and it’s just really nice.” he rambled again. “You talk a lot when you’re nervous, and I think that’s really cute.” I giggled. “I think you’re really cute.” he mumbled. I kissed his cheek again, and pondered about how wonderful this day was going to be.

A/N: Hope y'all liked it. Next chapter is going to be super fluffy, and usually when I write fluffy stuff it ends up being like over 2,000 words, and my chapters are normally like 1,000, so you should be excited. Phil and Tino might be in there a little bit. Okay that's all. comment/vote/fan ily all.


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