You've Crossed The Line - Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Alan’s P.O.V.

Austin and I were sitting in the car, and just as I predicted, it was completely silent. We had driven to a McDonalds that was further than the one we normally went to. I could tell that Austin wanted us to talk, but I was wasn’t going to. He stepped over the line, and it was with something really close to my heart. I felt betrayed, and hurt. Out of everyone, he should have been the one to know that I would have shared it if I wanted to share it. I would have told him. I would have told the group myself. I wasn’t a three year old. I could make my own decisions.

“What do you want to eat?” Austin grumbled. “Fries and a coke.” I mumbled back. The amount of tension in the car could’ve been cut with a knife. He ordered our food, and that was only thing he really said for the next five minutes. He made small conversation with the people at the windows, but the second we pulled away, it went back to silence. I wanted to talk to him, but I didn’t think I could, so I turned on the radio. There wasn’t anything good on station we normally listened to, so I changed it to the station that everyone listens to, just so it was 100% quiet.

“Could you please change the channel.” Austin growled through his teeth after one song played. “There’s nothing else on.” I snapped. “Then turn it off!” he yelled. “It’s too quiet.” I mumbled. “Maybe you should make an effort to talk to me then.” he whispered under his breath, and changed the station to something different. “I’m sorry that you’re mad at me.” I said into my hand. “I’m mad at you?” he pulled off the road, and into the side. “Yeah. You are. That so called ‘apology’ you gave me was absolute bullshit. You had no feeling in your voice. you did it because you had to.” I screamed at him.

“Shut the hell up Alan. I didn’t have to do anything. I did it because I wanted to. I’m really sorry, and if you can’t see that, then well it sucks. You’re just begging for attention. Everything always comes back to you. You want everyone to feel sorry for you, and you need your precious little pity party to follow you around. You’re a spoiled brat.” he was saying I’d never heard him say, and it was starting to hurt. “I always try to make it about me,” I cracked, and tears started to fall, “I tried to get you to talk about yourself, but the second I did, you denied me. You said that it didn’t matter what you were feeling, you just wanted to help fix my problems. Clearly that was a flat out lie, because you seem so hurt about it. When it’s really your own fault that everything revolves around me.”

“Okay. I need to calm down. You can drive home. I’ll take a walk.” he shook his head, and started to open the car door. “Um, no. We’re going to finish this. You can’t leave mid-fight. There is clearly stuff that we need to talk out.” I commanded him to stay. “What stuff? We just figured it all out.” he huffed. “Are you blind?” I gasped. “No, I’m not. I just don’t think there’s anything to talk about. We should both calm down, and it’ll be better in a few hours.” he said calmly. “I disagree. We need to solve this now, so we can cuddle when we get home.”

“But it’s my day. We can do what I want.” he bragged. “Austin.” I deadpanned. “You said so. It’s my day. We wrote music for you on your day, and we’re going to not fight for me on my day.” he refuted me. I was only half-heartedly listening though. When he said music, something in my head clicked. Austin and I did write music together, but when we were, I never showed him my lyrics. I gave him the idea, but the lyrics were written down in my journal, which I never showed him. He looked in my journal without permission. He invaded my privacy even more than I thought he had.

“What the hell Austin!” I yelled, with new tears falling down my face. “Would you like to explain what you just exploded about?” he asked curiously. “You looked in my notebook. Those song lyric were mine. I never showed them to you. You had to have looked in it. That’s crossing the line. I’m really insecure about stuff like that, and you should know that. I’m in a really vulnerable state right now, and you took advantage of it.” I ragged. As I finished my sentence, I got out of the car, and started to walk.

I got about five feet before a hand was placed on my shoulder, and held me back. “Please don’t. I can explain myself.” Austin pleaded. “How? You invaded my privacy, and crossed the line.” I cried. “I was gonna leave you a little encouragement note. I opened your journal, and my eyes scanned the page, and I accidently stumbled upon it. You can even check your book. I left you a note. I swear.” he tried to convince that he wasn’t in the wrong, but he wasn’t going to change my mind. “You invaded my privacy. There is in no way possible that you didn’t do something wrong. I’m gonna go stay at Aarons. Call me when you actually care.” I growled, and started walking again.

“Alan.” he whimpered. I wanted to turn back, but I also wanted to keep my word. I couldn’t decide whether or not I should do something that make me a hypocrite, or something that could possibly mess up my entire life.

I decided on what was best for me. I turned around, and ran back to Austin, who was sitting on the sidewalk cradling his knees. “Austie.” I whispered as I clung on to him. “I’m sorry baby.” he cried. I helped stand him up, and then hugged him. “We still have a lot to discuss, but for now, I’m sorry.” I mumbled into his chest. “Let’s go home.” I sniffled. He nodded, and let go of me.

We then started our car ride home that would be enclosed in a comfortable silence. Everything was fine at the moment, but the second we stepped foot in the house, all hell was gonna break loose.

A/N: Well how about that. I said there wouldn't be much of an update all week, but somehow I produced two chapters. I am wonderful. I dunno when the next chapter is gonna be posted, but hopefully I'll have time to write it. Thanks for reading, talking to you SuidgyWorsnop, because you're really rad, and thanks for reading and commenting on like every chapter! Okay bye. comment/fan/vote.


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