Minus - Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Alan’s P.O.V.

“You excited for tour tomorrow Aaron?” I asked my best friend, while pulling a beer out of the fridge. “Ecstatic.” he rolled his eyes. I walked into our living room, and stood against the wall. “What’s up dude?” I was concerned. Usually tour was wonderful for all of us, and Aaron didn’t look so wonderful. “Tino and Phil are gonna be all up on each other, and you and Austin. Well, you and Austin will be making out by hour two of being on the bus alone.” he groaned. “I don’t have any plans on making out with Austin. I’ve been perfectly content with one night stands for the past month.” I reassured him. “I doubt that. You and Austin always get really close when you’re on tour.” he sighed. “Shut up. I don’t think you realize how much of a mess I was when Austin ruined things for me. It’s best if I stick to not dating.” I told him with a shrug.

“I don’t think you drinking and hooking up with some random chick every night is healthy.” he grumbled, and moved to the kitchen. “Excuse me?” I growled. I followed him back into the kitchen, and watched him scavenge the fridge. Out of anyone, it should be Aaron who knew that, that was how I coped. I needed I way to get over Austin, and I figured that getting drunk every night would not only help me get over him, it would help turn me straight. I despised admitting it, but I wasn’t fond of being something other than what society wanted. Being gay, or bisexual, or whatever I was, wasn’t something I wanted to admit to. “You don’t need to get so upset Alan. I was just making a statement.”

I wanted to punch Aaron in the face, but I didn’t want everyone on tour to be mad at each other. “As right as you may,” I started calmly, “I disagree. It’s my way of making it through things, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get my life put back together.” “You do you, man. I’ll keep to myself, but I think you’re gonna get really messed up.” He waved me off, and walked to his room, and continued to ignore me. He slammed his door in my face. I let out a loud groan, and walked into the guest bedroom. It had slowly become my bedroom over the past month.

I collapsed onto the bed, and pulled out my phone. I instinctively went to twitter. The first tweet I saw was from Austin, about tour. It broke my heart that we didn’t talk anymore, but it was for the best. I checked the clock, and saw that it was only 12 o’clock. It was only noon, and I already had a beer in my hand. How could I be doing this to myself. Maybe Aaron was right. I was beating up my body in one of the most horrible ways possible, and I was letting myself. I set my beer down on the side table, and sprawled out across my bed.

I thought about calling Austin, but I quickly shot it down. It’d be best if we figured things out in person. I should’ve gone and apologized to Aaron for being a dick, but I decided on going for a walk instead. I grabbed my wallet and keys, went out the door. I didn’t bother to tell Aaron, because he wouldn’t listen anyway. I was walking down the sidewalk, trying to figure out what I should do at one in the afternoon, when I ran into two familiar faces. It was Phil and Tino. “Philip and Valentino!” I greeted in the best ‘bro’ voice I could. “Alan Ashby!” Phil let go of Tino’s hand, so he could run up and hug me. “I haven’t seen you two in a month!” I exclaimed, and pulled away from his hug.

“Ever since you and Austin…” Tino tried to say something, but cut himself off so he wouldn’t offend me. “You guys can talk about it, I found ways to solve my problems.” It truly did bother me, but I wanted to hear their opinions on my situation. “I would say that we should sit down and talk about your life in this past month, but we have to be somewhere, and we’ll be on tour in like less than 24 hours. I guess we’ll see you then man.” Tino lightly hit my shoulder, and Phil gave me another hug. “We should go, but just so you know, Austin is more worried than I’ve ever seen him, and it’s because he’s worried about talking to his best friend on tour tomorrow.” Phil gave me a wink, and then him and Tino skipped off into the distance. At least I’d like to think they were able to skip off because of how anti-problematic their relationship was.

I thought about Phil’s last statement to me, as I roamed around our neighborhood. He was nervous to talk to me, his best friend, and I was nervous to talk to him, my best friend. I’d come to think that for the past month I had been addressing Aaron, as my best friend. What had our relationship gone to. We’d been best friends for nearly three years, and now it was all going to crap because I overreacted to him looking in my lyric book. I could have been the person in the wrong. Hopefully all would go well on the tour bus, and Austin would be what we used to. Hopefully it wouldn’t involve all the dating drama, and emotional trauma that he caused.

A/N: Yay! Crappy chapter that isn't even a thousand words loooonnnggg. Sorry for the not so great update schedule. It's partially because I have been working on a book type thing that I think would be cool to get published even though I'm only like fourteen, but still. Anyway. My friend and I were brainstorming, and I've finally decided the exact way to end this. So hoefully there'll be at least 20 chapters, maybe more, then it'll be over. That's all. See y'all in at least a week. Comment/Fan/Vote


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