10: Override

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Silent nights were often the sanctuary of night owls searching for peace. Voices seeking to be heard are but wonders bounded by the unforseen structures of society. It won't be often that he would rest peacefully for the forthcoming nights. Perhaps even the daylight was no exception to that force.

Castellone had asked Kerxis to beg the department that he stay alone in the dormitory room. If his brother wasn't that prestige with people, then he wouldn't have gotten what he wanted anyway. Growing up alone most of the time, he didn't like the idea of anyone around him or even talking to him when he was supposed to be resting or doing homework. He wanted the peace, and the peace was given. On when eternal peace would occur was still a mystery waiting.

Out of all the miseries queued to be performed, being alone in the room was a relief. Little did he thought about breaking whatever silence echoed through.

Obsidia City wasn't really that big and it only took him a few minutes of drive to get back home. He knew Kerxis and Flarion was currently cooped up together at home while he wasn't around. When their duty called, work had separated them and Kerxis had to travel across the country sometimes while Flarion drove towards another city. He didn't really know what Flarion's job was or where she even worked.

When he shut his eyes to sleep that night, the first image he saw in the darkness and solemnity of it was Abrielle's bloodstained face. He couldn't shake away the look in her eyes when she looked up at him like she begged him to do something. He knew she wasn't the type to beg or talk much about herself, especially not to him. He knew she wouldn't open up to anyone about herself either. It was an observation he so registered during the past few months she began stalking him. Who was he kidding, he wasn't one to linger in someone else's affairs either.

But there was more in the look on her eyes that time. What kind of emotions was she actually emitting? It was confusing and he failed to find out what it was. It was too soon before he could really understand the kind of person she was.

He shifted in bed and found a more comfortable position. It had been ten minutes since he laid in bed and realized that was the longest thought he had of her. Something was definitely going on. Pushing those aside, he closed his eyes and let the distant cheers of youth beat him to sleep.

When his subconscious took over, he saw the image of a few students who were running around and were actually doing the one thing he commanded earlier. From a different point of view, he stood somewhere and looked at himself. It was odd and dreamy, or perhaps it was just the state of lucid dreaming. Still, he was certain he saw himself, standing and unmoving.

He walked through the courtyard, mesmerized by the fact he was able to feel the physical world. So this was what it felt like. It was unlike he ever experienced before. Who knew the darkness of the night was so comforting? He smiled at the thought. Night, where most ungodly activities often occur.

He decided it was time to perform some miracles. He headed for the grand reception hall. He saw the faces called upon their doom. It was filled with noise. How would the noise of pleasure sound from those lips though? Party all night, was it? He planned to do just that. To party all fucking night.

Ryna, Jayn and Tellie dragged their two boy companions along, Braq and Shally. A typical group of college freshmen who cared less about academics, and where being in a clique mattered more. Braq had been eyeing Ryna all this time and was quite disappointed when she actually approached Castellone back at the hall. Of all people, she set her interest on a bland guy. He wanted her to be his tonight. He made sure he nailed it.

"What's up, Ryna? You're not usually like this when you've found someone you're lusting on." Tellie said teasingly. A statement of her friend's sudden disinterest on an eye candy.

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