Chapter 22

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Yoongi's POV

After the incident I decided to head back to the apartment. So I cancelled my meeting with Namjoon and drove back. I was so fucking angry with myself. I threw myself on the couch replaying the incident all over again and cursing myself; I opened a bottle of soju and gulped every drop of it.

I ruined it. I fucking destroyed our friendship just cause I couldn't contain my emotions. How flustered he was when I was so close to him. I bet he hates me now. He fucking ran away cause he probably hated me for being so close to him.

I recalled how his face turned red and eyes opened wider. He rushed out as soon as I let him go. Remembering all this frustrated me and I punched the wall hard.

"Aaaaarrrrrgggghh!" I winced. I started to bleed but even this couldn't make me feel better. Thinking about it over and over again wasn't helping but luckily I had more alocohol in the fridge. I tied a cloth around my hand and bottomed up another bottle of soju as if it was water.

At the hospital...

Jimin's POV

"Because he's in love with you."

"What? Are you crazy? I can't even believe you said that!" I was flustered by his reply. This was something I wasn't expecting.

"Come on, hyung. Don't you see the way he looks at you? the way he treats you! For God's sake he has no friend except you. And deep down you know that he has a thing for you." I didn't want to believe him but he wasn't all wrong. I know I am special to Yoongi hyung and he is special to me. But is that love? 

"Jealousy has gotten into your head, Jungkook! I'm going. I can't take this shit right now." I stormed out and headed to the apartment.

At the apartment...

I reached the apartment unaware of the fact that Yoongi hyung would be there. As I opened the main door I was stunned by the view. The apartment was a mess. Every object in the living room was either broken or scattered on the floor. I freaked out when I saw drops of blood;  even the handle of the fridge had blood stains. 

"Yoongi hyung!" I shouted as I ran to the bedroom.  

I saw Yoongi hyung wasted on the floor; A white cloth tied around his right hand which was no longer white; empty bottles of soju were lying around. 

There were a lot of questions arising inside of me. I was shocked and worried for him. What was he dealing with that it made him so miserable? Was I responsible for his condition?

I lifted him up and gently placed him on the bed. He was mumbling something while I cleaned up his injured hand and put ointment and covered it with a bandage. I couldn't help but cry cause it was heart breaking to see him like this.

I placed his head on my lap and brushed my fingers through his hair while I said what had been running on my mind. 

"Hyung, I'm sorry for running away. I shouldn't have left you alone. I was confused and surprised to be honest. I don't want to lie to you, hyung but lately I've been feeling something different when I'm with you.  You make me feel safe. I feel like if I fall you'll be there to catch me; If I do something wrong you'll tell me what's right; if I get hurt you'll be there right by my side. And I want to be the same for you. I want you to say how you feel, what you're going through. I want you to know that you can lean on me and I promise I'll be there whenever you need me. I like you, hyung, I really do. But I'm scared to feel what I feel for you; I'm scared cause I don't know what's in your heart. Do you really love me like how Jungkook said? Were you going to kiss me today?" I gazed at him while he was sleeping like a baby.

"Aaah! Am I talking too much? haha...I missed you, hyung." I chuckled as I leaned over to kiss his forehead.

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