Chapter 38

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Jimin's POV

"Can you be his friend, a friend that he deserves, a friend that he desperately needs? I know I'm asking a lot from you but I don't know what else to do. You're my only hope." 

Jin hyung was looking into my eyes asking for help. I wanted to help him but the equation I had with Tae was not a normal one and Jin hyung wasn't aware of that.

But after listening to Tae's story I felt terrible as I recalled how rude and harsh I had been to him. It somewhat made sense to me that why Jungkook cherished and loved him so much and why couldn't he give him up.

Although it was unfair to me and it really was heartbreaking but had I known what Tae was going through I would've approached the situation in a much mature way. I was so overwhelmed with my sorrow, my grief that I refused to understand the other side of the story.

Jin hyung was still staring at my eyes, waiting for my response and I said yes. I don't know if it was alcohol or that I was in a better place that I decided to help Tae. Or maybe I just wanted to make it up for how immaturely I handled the situation but I knew that I was doing the right thing.

Time Lapse of 2 days~

Yoongi hyung and I were watching a movie together, cuddling and kissing on the couch rather than concentrating on what's going on in the movie. I was sitting on Yoongi's lap constantly playing with his veiny hands when I saw a notification of Jin hyung's text on my phone and my expressions changed.

Hyung must've noticed it and so he asked, "Is something bothering my baby?" he rubbed my back as he pulled me in for a hug. I didn't want him to worry about me cause he already was exhausted as he had been working tirelessly on his first official album.

"I'm confused. I don't know if I should still call you hyung or something cute?" I pouted with a sad face fiddling with the button of his shirt. He suddenly pecked on my lips. "Don't do that."

"Do what?" I pouted again.

"Pout your lips." He kissed me, this time a little longer. "I can't think of anything else but your lips when you do that."

"Maybe that's what I want." I smirked and pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss. Every second I spent with him were making me fall so deeply for him. I didn't want to let go of his touch, his embrace. 

He slowly slipped his manly hands on my ass as I undid the buttons of his shirt. The view in front of me was extraordinary. His pale soft skin were inviting my lips to touch them, to feel them and they did. I kissed every inch of his bare skin showing which made him let out moans that turned me on even more...

After making love for the first time, he spooned me while we were still naked on the couch "Jiminie, tell me what's bothering you for real?" Yoongi hyung whispered

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After making love for the first time, he spooned me while we were still naked on the couch "Jiminie, tell me what's bothering you for real?" Yoongi hyung whispered. I was surprised that he didn't buy what I acted out earlier. I realized it was of no use to hide from him what I was really feeling but I didn't want to stress him out.

"Hyung, I'm scared of approaching a person that needs help and I'm not sure if I can really help but if I can make any difference to their life I want to be there for that person. But what if they reject my help?" I tried to generalize my confusion by not mentioning Tae's name cause I wanted his genuine opinion.

He kissed my shoulder "If this is the right thing to do, you should do it." 

After a few days...

I didn't know how would I approach Tae and how would he react to what I had to say but I still went to the PC parlor that Tae and Jungkook owned. 

It wasn't easy for me, I was having second thoughts as I entered. But before I could turn away I saw Taehyung standing at the counter, staring right back at me.

I gave a nervous smile to him while he gazed with a confused look. I gathered courage and slowly walked towards him.

"H..Hi" I stuttered. 

"Jungkook's not here." He said with a stern voice avoiding to look at me.

"I came here to see you, Taehyung."

Hey guys...
It's almost at it's end... it'll probably finish before Sunday. So i hope you'll like it. There's a little surprise for u guys at the end. It's not a big one so please don't expect too much hehe.
I'll hope you'll like the surprise too.

Thank you!! I hope you guys have a great day keep loving yourself! ❤️❤️❤️

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