Part 9- Hello again

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Hannah's pov

I woke up to the sun shining through the shutters and hitting my body. My head was nuzzled to his chest, his hand in mine.

I smiled as memorys of last night filled my head. "Good morning sunshine." he said with his morning voice, not opening his eyes. I growned and nuzzled in to him, not wanting to get up and away from a confertable place with his sexy ass next to me.

He could tell "I love you so much." he breathed, bearly above a whisper. "I love you too Oli." I say as we fell back to sleep.

I skipped over to the fridge to get the milk and poured some into oli and I's corn flakes. "I forgot to ask you somthing." he said. "What is that?" "your tattoo, you never told me what the carving in the tree ment." he spoke, his word soft.

I sighed and looked at him with worry. I needed to tell him. "A long time ago, I had two friends. Tyler and Leah. They were the best two people I had ever known.

I dated tyler and I loved him. And leah was like a sister and a cool aunt at the same time. They got me through much, the self harm, the anorexia."

he knew about my past but I never went into detail. I saw the care in his eyes and continued.

"Tyler jumped off a building because of his parents, they abused him." I swallowed the sadness reaching for the surface.

"And leah was in love with him, so she cut and cut untill her body gave up... She died in my arms."I croked.

A single tear slide down my face as the memorys came flooding back like a tidel wave. Oli wiped the tear away and tightly clutched my hand.

"When I almost died in the hospital, I saw them and they said they found peace. They fell in love. So the carving means Leah + Tyler." Oli hugged my tightly as i cried softly.

"You are the strongest women i have ever meet. I love you so much. Im so sorry for your lose." He whisperd in my hair. He kissed my forehead ever so sweetly and it gave me the butterflys.

I pulled away and smiled up at him. He returned thata smile and grabbed my hand. "Lets go finish our corn flakes and watch some cartoons." he said. I giggled and followed him to the couch. Luna jumped up on the table and started mewing. Cutie.

Oli's pov

Later that night

"Lets invite the boys over. We havent seen them in days." Hannah said. "Thats a great idea!" I said shooting up to go call the lads. "Invite ariana!" She shouted after me. "Sure thing babe!" I shouted back as I wiped out the phone. I invited the whole band and ariana. This would be fun.

"Ayye!" Kean shouted as he ran in the door. "Slow down you wanker!" i said as i put him in a head lock. "Im sorry did i inturupt a gay torture porn?" lee chuckeld. "Oh shut the fuck up you bitch dog." I laughed. Next jorden, Nicholls and Ariana walked in the door. "Hey!" they all shouted. I have jorden a bro hug and slaped matts back. "hi Ariana! you still putting up with this wanker? Is he even good at woohoo?" I laughed. "Ill have you know that matt is a animal in bed." she chuckeld as she ran over to him.

I was really happy for him, he was really happy with her. Nicholls put his arm around his girl and walked away, Flipping me off in the process. All the guys erupted into laughter as we followes them into the living room to get some drinks. Hannah was already there. "Hey guys!" she said as she gave them all a hug. She ran over too the sterio and blasted some Breath Carolina songs as we all danced and had drinks.

Hannah and I danced together, hips moving to the beat. she turned around to face me and grabbes my hands jumping to the beat. She shouts the lyrics as she dances with me "Im only getting started!! I wont black out!!" She is so cute.

I lean down towards her and she stops jumping. Smiling i lean in a press my lips against hers. We smiled through the kiss as she snakes her hands around to the back of my neck. She breaks the kiss smiling softly. I look into her eyes. Its moments like this that ill never forget. "Lets take this upstairs." She whispers. I nod and she grabs my hand and starts pulling me up the stairs.

When we got to the hall way she slammed me against the wall and started kissing me. I quickly changed that by flipping us so she was against the wall. I started leaving kisses along her collar bone and found her sweet spot and sucked on it, that earned me a soft moan. I picked her up and she wrapped he legs around me. She is so tiny its like picking up luna. I ran my tonge along her bottom lip asking for entrence with she gladly allowed. Our tonges swirled together, hannah then pulled out. She bit my bottom lip and I moaned. She smirked. She jumped off me and ran to our room. I ran after her and she jumped on the bed and ripped of her shirt. I walked closer to her and she came towards me. She took off my shirt and started tracing my tattoos with her finger. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask. We have been dating for a month, I feel its the perfect time. "Hell yes." as she started kissing down to my pants.

Ariana's pov

Probably only a one time thing :3

We were all sitting around on the couch and reilized Oli and hannah were missing. "Were are they?" i said. "Ive got a plan." Jorden smirked. He slowly turned down the music and then we knew. "Oli!" We heard hannah moan. We all started laughing and turned the music back up. "Seems like there having fun." Lee says. We all laugh again. I love this group of people so much, were all like a big fucked up, partying family. I would beat the shit out of anyone who fucked with us. Matt kissed my head as i nuzzled against him. I love matt and he loves me back. He has finnally gotten over hannah and he told me that. "I like you a lot." He whisperd. "Yaya shut up you goofball." I giggled. We were happy.

gwah sorry bout skipping the smut. I tried at first but it was horrible so i gave up. Any ways hope you enjoyed. Next chapter is were the tears begin. It takes place 4 months after this. Sorry for the big skip...Hope you guys like nicholls getting over hannah and finding love. :3 cya next time

Without A Word ➵ Oliver Sykes and Hannah SnowdonWhere stories live. Discover now