Part 13- It never ends

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Hannah's pov

That night

2:23 am

Pain. coursing through my body as it shoke uncontollably. I fell of the bed and Oli jumped awake.

I twitched on the floor as foam came out my mouth. Pain. I was lieing there listening to the screams erupt around me. Pain. My body was lifted up and brought...somewere. That was the least of my worries.


"Hold on Lilly." I heard someone cry. Who calls me Lilly again? Oh yes, Oli. More pain.

As my world begain to dissapear, Olivers smile was in my mind.

Less pain.

This is the end

"She is running out of time!" Someone shouted. "We have to start the surgery now. Nurse!" Someone else called.

A wave of pain ran throught my body. I lurched up as I screamed, my eyes still closed. Rough hands push me back down. Where is he? I try to say but my voice dosn't work. I just want to say goodbye.

Just let it end. I'm giving up. I have been in uncontrolable pain for what feels like hours. I no longer am thinking about holding on for the people I love, Just make it end. I breathed for what felt like first time and shut myself down.

Just let it end.

Oli's pov

I was in the hallway as the doctors worked on Hannah. Tears running down my cheeks violently. I was leaning on the wall to support my wobble legs.

I called the person I though could help me get through this. Ariana ran around the corner and crashed into my arms. She hugged me as I cried softly. I was so tierd.

20 mins later

I was sitting on a chair as Ariana paced. "Oli, go to sleep, I will wake you if anything happends." She said. I tryed to protest but my body draged me under and into a deep sleep.

2 hours later

I woke to Ariana crying hard on the floor. I looked up at the doctor in front of me, sadness on his face.

I shoke my head at him knowing exactly why Ariana is crying. "Hello Mr. Sykes. Can I have a word?" He askes, gesturing for me to stand.

I Stood up and walked up to him.

"Hannah.. She is dead isn't she? She can't be." I cried. He shoke his head. "I am truly sorry."

Ariana stood up from her melt down. I gave her a sad look but that quickly changed when I saw her emotion had changed to happy. I am so confused.

Ariana brushed her self off and walked over. She shoke my shoulders. "What are yo-"I begin but she cut me of and shouted, "Wake up!" She screamed as my eyes shot open.

"The docter is here." Ariana whisperd. I looked up groggy from sleep. Tears still in my eyes. It was a dream. I shoke it off for I was in reiality now.

"Hannah?" I asked sitting up now. This better not go the same way my dream wen't.

He smiled. "The surgery was an extream sucsess and Ms.Snowdon will wake in a few days as health as can be." I shoke my head in amazment. She pushed through.

I smiled at Ariana and she jumped into an embrace. "Son of a bitch. That girl just won't die will she?" She laughes, crying with joy. "She is a fukin fighter." I smiled. Letting tears drip down my cheeks.

I walked over to the docter and shoke his hand. "Thank you and your team for saving her. I can't ever thank you enough." "It was my pleasure. She was shouting when she was getting put under the medication to knock her out 'I need to see him!' She really loves you and I can tell you really love her." He smiled.

"You're a great guy. Mr?" "Lucker. But you can call me Mitch." He smiled. "Well thank you so much Mitch." I said to him. This man saved the love of my life.

I walked into her room and saw her beautiful body. Frail under the hospital bed sheets. "I love you so much darling. You are my world my beautiful lilly." I chuckeld while stroking her cheek.

I can't imagine A life with out her.

Lul so this part is short but event full. Ily all and hope u liked this. P.s This story is no were near done! Suggestions? Please contact me!! c:

Without A Word ➵ Oliver Sykes and Hannah SnowdonWhere stories live. Discover now