Part 10- Do we diserve this?

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listen to lullabys- All time low

while reading this.the song is good for da chapter :)

Oli's pov

4 months later.

I walked into the store and looked down at the many rings. I am in love with hannah and i dont care if im rushing things. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I wanted to cement our relationship.

"Can we help you?" the ladys says. A fake smile stiched onto her face. She hated her job, you can see it. "Yes please. I need an engament ring." Its monday today and i am going to pop the question to love of my life on saturday.

Hannah's pov


I've been feeling really sick lately. My head has been spinning and pounding like a train had just hit me. Its been like this for a month but it only got really bad today. Ive been taking advill but i needed to go to a doctor. Oli was with the band working on some new songs for there album Sempiternal.

I fed luna and grabbed my keys. I walked out to my car, my head spinning. I stumbled on the keys and pulled out. My eyes blurry and world spinning. I started driving and driving untill i heard a load honk and a ear shattering screech.

Oli's pov

I was writing some new songs with the guys, but then I heard my phone ring. The caller ID read Shefield Hospital. Thats when I freaked out.

I knew hannah said she was going in to the doctor to get her head checked out. "Everyone shut the fuck up! Its the hospital!"

The room fell silent as i ancwerd the phone -Mr.Sykes?- "Yes?" I said, my voice shaky. -We understand you live with Ms. Snowdon. She was in a car crash and we need you to come down to the hospital. She might need a friendly face when she hears the news.- "Um..w..what news docter?" I maneged to get out. -She has a brain tumor. She only has 2 weeks left. Im truly sorry.- I dropped my phone and let the tears escape from my eyes. "We are on our way!" Matt k said into my phone. "Ill drive." Lee said as they helped me into the car.

I ran into her room and saw her beautiful face. Scratches and bruses everywhere. I collapsted to my knees as his words play in my head over and over again. -2 weeks left.- She can't die I wanted to live on with her untill we were old and had grey hair. With little us' running around. I wanted to love her forever. I stood up my knees shaking and grabed her frail hand. "I love you with all of my heart Hannah." i cried. The boys were in the hallway. All of them crying. Her eyes flutterd open. I smiled and she smiled back. "Hello love." I said. "Why are you crying oli?" She whisperd. "You scared me." I said. She smiled her beautiful smile and said. "Im sorry." "I should have been there to drive you." I said. "She reached up and whiped my tears away. "Dont cry. Im alive Oli. Im here with you." If only she knew.

Hannah got the news later that day. She kept on saying they were lieing and they could find a way to help her.

When she got in the car crash they had to make sure she didnt have any brain damage or broken bones. Thats how they discovered a year old tumor that had been growing and growing. Its to big to remove it with out a massive chance of giving her permentent brain damage or killing her.

She didn't want to live the rest of her life in a wheel chair and unable to talk. She said thats worse then being dead.

Super shot teaser chapter!! Lul

This was sad. Next chapter is gonna be her first last week. :(

Without A Word ➵ Oliver Sykes and Hannah SnowdonWhere stories live. Discover now