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Author: AlexTheDuckPotato

Word Count (Just the Story): 22,826

Word Count (Everything): ~23,280

Originally Started On: October 13th, 2017

Originally Completed On: November 19th, 2017

Revisited/Edited On: February 8th, 2018

Number Of Pages (Before Revisiting): 83

Number Of Pages (After Revisiting): 87


Author's Note: So... I'm actually publishing this online, huh? It's been a while since I've looked at this story, and it's a little messy but still pretty damn decent in my opinion. It was originally done for my fictional dystopian project back in November 2017, and it was long! Anyway, I decided to revisit it and made a few changed here and there, revising some of the problems and parts I didn't like about it, plus adding in a few of those words, nothing major though, hehe.

So now I present, an original story by yours truly... City X!


But before that, have some Quick Facts about the story and its characters!:

Quick Fact #1: One of the main characters in the story was originally named Miles, but I then changed it to Damien because it just sounded... better to me.

Quick Fact #2: Yes, I am a South Park fan if you haven't noticed (look at all the South Park fanfic I have posted lol) and yes, Pip, Damien, and Butters were all named after South Park characters, but it's just their first names and nothing else.

Quick Fact #3: Half of Chapter 8 (The Seventh Day), Chapter 9 (Damien), the Epilogue (Rebirth), and the beginning part of the Prologue (The Beginning of the End) was all written the night before the project was due (I was so stressed out but I did it!)

Quick Fact #4: Parts of this story are based off the anime "No. 6" which I highly recommend.

Quick Fact #5: I did have a basic idea about where the story was going and all, but a lot of it was made up as I went, making some of the events a little weird but relevant in some form.

Quick Fact #6: City X does, in fact, allow people to be trans, cis, non-binary, etc., but everyone must be straight/heterosexual, as that is one of the main rules (crazy, huh?). This is why we see Mx. Webber instead of Mr./Mrs. Webber, since they are non-binary.


Now, without further ado, enjoy the story! (also, comment any other questions you would like me to answer^^)

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