Chapter 2: Don't Be Afraid

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We have something called 'The V-Chip' that is built into our heads. It's very advanced for us due to most of the technology being destroyed by nuclear bombs. The V-Chip detects when we are breaking one of the rules, and sends it to the government. I always thought it was such a cool gadget to have since it gets rid of all the people who disobey the government and/or question it.

Now, it's not that cool and a bunch of trash. I didn't think they would punish Damien for it since he was only six years old! But he did say he was on his first warning... or even his second..?

"Damien... I'm sorry that I made you talk about it. We both may be going as of now," I said to him, the thought of the Fire Web making tears form in my eyes once more.

"I should've never went to the building. I should've never went with my mom to watch my dad suffer. I s-should've ne-never e-existed. W-W-Why does ever-r-rything bad ha-" He started, ending with him collapsing onto the pavement in tears, not caring about me being there. We're always meant to be happy, but this has never happened before. I never had to help someone when they were sad because everyone was always happy.

"I... I don't know what's going to happen next, but just don't worry about it right now. Please..." I asked picking him up off the ground. For being a year older, he was quite light. Or maybe it was because I was stronger than the other kids somehow. I don't know.

"Maybe there is a way," He said, standing up, "but you may not see me again, and it's a huge risk to take. You were right about the type of person I was also." I looked at him, determination showing in his eyes. He looked like he had a plan, and I was ready to hear it when-

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING OUT OF SCHOOL?!" Someone shouted at us. An adult male, around the age of thirty, started running towards us. Of course, the obvious thing to do was-

"RUN!" I yelled, taking off and running towards my house. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small. It was just like every other house in the South End.  It would be hard for the person to find us, which is a good thing. Plus, I'm a super fast runner, beating everyone at the last track meet our school hosted.

As Damien passed me and ran down the street, I kept up with him. Coming from the Northern Side, he must've had intense training since he was around two years old. Not surprised, I kept running and turned right, right, left, and through an alleyway. The streets aren't that big, and the run wasn't that far.

"GET BACK HERE!" the guy yelled, gasping and panting while trying to keep up with us. We lost the backpacks, considering how heavy they were and how we were probably never going to go to school again.

Once we lost him, we walked the rest of the way back to my house, which made us even more tired and we already were. I could tell we were both overheating because I felt my brain not being able to do different programs that were super intense for me to handle at the moment.

"You... you're a really fast runner," I said, trying to take in as much air in as I could to cool myself down. He was doing the same thing, and I heard fans whirring inside of him. It was a calming sound since my fans were upgraded a few months ago, which made it almost silent. But having fans whirring inside of you can be very soothing at times.

"I know. Intense training and stuff," He started, muttering something at the end that I couldn't understand. I didn't question it, considering he looked a little hurt while thinking about the other part. I don't want to interfere with his personal life, considering we just met!

"Oh, okay. Shouldn't you get going-" I started, jet planes flying overhead. The jet planes always are around to find criminals on the loose-

"I better. They're coming for me anyway. They always have been ever since I went inside the building. I always used a different last name when transferring, but always had the same first name since birth. Anyways, that's probably not important. But... you will most likely never see me again since I have to escape or be left to die," He said, a determined look on his face. His face didn't show any fear, but his eyes showed he was scared for him, for me, and for everyone who has ever cared about him. I know how he felt but also didn't know at the same time.

"Well, I wish you luck," I said, holding out my hand like I did when I first met him. He didn't shake it, he hugged me instead. It was a warm hug, like one that gets you all warm and fuzzy inside. One that can make you feel happy when you're sad. One that means a whole lot, even if you don't think so.

"I wish you luck too, and I promise I will come back," He muttered, holding on tight like he doesn't want to leave. Well, he had to let go, and as he did, he ran off, leaving behind only his backpack, which was down the other end of the street. It was a sparkly black, with pastel blue stitches. It was really pretty, and I would've wanted to get it if I had the choice to.

"I'll see you again, I promise," I whispered to myself, walking down the street to grab his belongings, even if I never see him again. He'll be in my memories and never leave for as long as my gears turn inside of me. Through the internal music speaker, I played one of my personal favorite songs, which is called, "마지막처럼/As If It's Your Last" by BLACKPINK while walking away, wondering what will Damien do to get away from the government. It's not an easy task to Escape, but where will he go? I have no clue, but he better be safe.

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