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Your desk sat across from Reid, small desk top in the corner, filing-ish cabinet in the bottom drawer, and plenty of other drawers to store files or miscellaneous objects you've collected.

You kept your satchel in the second to last drawer in the right set of drawers, immediately getting organized and starting to go over records and files set on your desk.

A small unit phone set on the corner by the computer, a key of phone numbers taped on it.

The whole desk situation was meticulous and a task you kept at hand was keeping it relatively organized.

Reid kept at work infront of you, organizing files and putting together information in new files, stealing glances of your face at work, brow furrowed in concentration.

He smiled every time, pushing loose glasses up on his face, since he decided not to put on contacts today.

"I um. Y/N?" He asked, focusing on your face and pushing his glasses up.

You put a marker on the pre-made article and looked up at him, eyebrows raised.

"Yes Reid?" You asked in return.

"Do you. Um. How long have you been in this sort of business?" He asked.

"Well, I started taking college courses, like math and english, in highschool. I took all of my college year english and math classes in highschool, including homeschooling and summer school." You spoke and he nodded understandingly.

"I then went to college early, at like 16 or seventeen, and got a major in psychology 1. Then a minor in psyc 2. I also proceeded to get two PHD's. I have had multiple classes taken before coming on to the team in Michigan and have been working in this field for many years." You said finally.

"And now I'm twenty five. I started interning at fifteen. My dad works in the behavioral analysis unit. I've done this for ten years, non stop. Even when I was in college. I've worked very hard to get here." You spoke proudly and he smiled in return.

"That's fantastic Y/N. I was a twelve year old protogy and graduated highschool at twelve. I've been doing this for nearly half the time you have and did very well in college. I'm proud you've done this." He nodded to himself.

"Good to find someone who has something in common with me." You flushed, a blush grazing your cheeks and a smile growing.

"Back to work love bugs. You're making me sick." Morgan laughed and read the folder in his hand.

You both chuckled and went back to work, you tapping on the computer and then texting Kolahand and Foyer updating them on your day.

"Hey everybody. Hotch just called, there was a new murder for the male killer case in Los Angeles, we'll need to meet in the briefing room and we'll go from there." An old-ish man spoke from the platform by the rooms.

"Alright Rossi. We'll be there in a few seconds." Morgan and JJ hollered back simultaneously, looking at eachother and laughing loudly.

You all got up from your desks, heading into the briefing room and sitting down. Reid took a seat next to you and pulled out a pen and paper.

"The recent murder is of Johnathon Adams, twenty three year old male. He was beaten, laserations to the neck, wrists, upper thighs, and the killers signature on the right peck. F and fist."  Hotch said thumbing through a slide show of photos of the beatings.

You looked at them with a grimace, face hard and stern.

"Y/N. You look apprehensive. Any thoughts?" Hotch asked and you looked up at him, shaking your head and clearing your thoughts.

"Oh uh." You cleared your throat. "Uh no. No I don't, something nagging at me though." You said, rubbing a hand over your face.

"We'll continue briefing on the plane. Its Monday and we'll stay there till about Thursday. Wheels up in fourty." Hotch said and the rest of them began dismissing.

"Um?" You raised your hand.

"This is not a school yard Cooper. What do you need?" Hotch asked as the rest of the group got ready.

"What does wheels up mean?" You shoved stuff in your satchel.

"We are heading to or should be on the plane in now, thirty nine minuets. Grab your to-go bag and head to the strips." He said.

"Oh I don't. Uh. Dont have a bag packed." You said standing.

"Well. Wheels up in an hour and five. I expect you back here. I was informed by Kolahand that your home is nearly half an hour from here. You better be quick." He said and left the room.

You grabbed your bag, keys slipping into your hand, and rushing out of the room. You hurried outside and out of the parking lot.


You sat on the plane. Hotch just finished briefing the team and everyone was now relaxing. Planes were never your favorite. Turbulance leaving an uneasy feeling in your stomach and the thought of  crashing stinging the back of your brain.

"Y/N, the probability of us crashing is very slim. I can see with the expression on your face, that you are concerned. A furrow between your brows, much different than the concentrative furrow you usually have. Your lower lid on the left keeps twitching, a sign of stress on most, and you have readjusted the golden band on your right index finger approximately three times all the way around in intervols of five seconds, ten times." Reid spoke up, peeking up from the page of Shakespeare he was reading.

"Reid don't read the Rookie she's concerned." Morgan spoke. "You're fine baby doll, we have the best pilot around." He said once more and grabbed your hand and kissed the top of it softly, Reid stiffening from the interaction and then going back to his book.

You took note of that and relaxed with your hand in Morgan's. You then managed to fall asleep peacefully.

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