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Time seemed slow as they rushed for you, Reid's musty converse digging into the loose gravel as he took an unauthorized sprint towards the warehouse.

Hotch and Morgan angrily yelled towards him while ran, disregaurding the usual protocol of a quiet approach.

Luckily Reid's long legs took him far, fast. He was inside the building in a matter 30.6 seconds, gun held high and at attention.

Before he knew he was yelling at the unsub, the man stood infront of you carving a knife into your skin as you hung hardly conscious.

"Step away from her! Now!" He threatened.

"Take another step and I'll slit her throat!" He moved and now pressed the blade to your neck.

"I will shoot! Dont make me shoot you Jacob!" He moved forward slightly.

"I dare you, I dare you to shoot me! You don't have the guts do you? I'll cut her throat like I did the rest of her body and you can't do anything about it!" He protested and pressed the knife close to your neck.

Reid hadn't hesitated, pulling the trigger and watching Jacob fall to the ground, everything still moving in slow motion.

The knife made a metal clang against the floor, resignating through everyones ears.

Reid rushed towards your body, soon unclipping you from the binds attatched to the ceiling. He pulled you against his body, cradling your near to unconcious form.

"Medic! We need medics!" Hotch yelled towards the swat outside.

Teams were called. EMT and paramedics rushed to the scene, police officers dealing with a crying Lucas and a dead Jacob.

Reid layed with you still, comforting you and thumbing over the red and purple harsh marks on your neck.

"Reid. Dr Spencer Reid I need you to let go of Y/N. We need to inspect her wounds and take her to the hospital." An EMT persisted.

"I don't want to- can, can I come with?" He asked, looking up to the EMT.

"Sure thing kid." She nodded, he slowly grabbed you, standing up in the process and setting you on the open guerny.

He looked at Hotch for approval, he nodded curtly and dismissed the boy, watching him follow you on the guerny now rolling away.

Reid climbed into the abulance with you, dorky lengthy body making him stumble over his own feet on the way in.

He sat down, gathering your hand in his own and listened to the EMTs checking your vitals.

You fluttered in and out of consciousness, babbling when in and lulling slowly when not.

Even though he couldn't hold a conversation with you, he was far beyond happy you were in any state of alive.


"Come on Hotch!" Morgan spoke as he helped gather everyone on the team and thank the police and SWAT teams.

"He shot him Morgan, it was to save Y/N and he had to do what he did." He protested.

"Hotch. He didnt even talk him out of hurting her, he just shot him. I've never seen him do that." He spoke walking with Hotch towards an SUV.

"Morgan, he protected Y/N. Even though it was highly uncalled for and could get him in trouble, he saved her and we need her on this team just as much as we need you and Reid. We could possibly lose her because of this and she was my responsibility." He grumbled, getting in the drivers side of the car and Morgan getting in the passenger.

"Your responsibility?" Morgan retaliated.

"Her father put her in my hands. She was on rehabilitation leave and I was the one responsible for her. She could have gotten killed and I didn't protect her." Hotch poked firmly as he pulled away from the the warehouse and down the bumpy dirt road.

Morgan just sat, a silence falling upon the two men. Hotch drove quietly, thinking and pondering.

The bumpy road kept them company until they made it the hospital, Hotch keeping an angry Mason on the phone.

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