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The next morning you had a hard time exiting your bed. The soft warm duvets still had a trace of Reid's scent when he had slept in your bed.

It smelt nice. Like cinnamon and old books. You rubbed your eyes and layed in the warmth of bed for a bit before finally pulling yourself out of it. The floor was cold and your feet felt frozen in the absence of socks.

A hot shower woke you up though, the water's temperature warming your body and helping you relax.

The stickiness of the patch didn't come off when you removed it from your side after the shower, it making you upset and feel unclean even though you had just washed your body.

You tried to scrub it off with baby wipes but stopped before your skin began to get irritated.

You found slacks, black with a bit of a flaired bottom and decided for those to be your pants of the day.

Then you searched for a shirt, deciding on a vintage style T-shirt.

You had gone through the whole process, hair, a little bit of makeup, putting in contacts, and putting on perfume before gathering your things and leaving the house for work.

All of your knowledge said that your father was still in town but a tiny bit of you wished he wasn't. A bit of you wished he had left and let you stay.

After all you had a whole bureau of new friends, close friends. Why would you want to leave them?

But on the contrary you had your relatives and close family back in Michigan.

Foyer and Jake were sad and awaited your possible arrival.

How the hell were you supposed to choose?

Your attitude was a tad sour when you entered the bureau, a firm lip held and sort of expressionless face.

People greeted you like normal, calling your name with a smile and a wave. You put on a coy smile, nodding in their direction and heading on your way.

Everyone sat at their desks, scribbling down things and reading through case files.

You sat down with a huff and put your satchel on your desk heavily.

"Oh no baby doll has her panties in a bunch. What's bugging you sweetcheeks?" Morgan joked and then asked.

By the expression on your face Reid interjected.

"Morgan I wouldn't start. She's in a bad mood. just let her be. She'll cool off." He informed Morgan and looked up at you with a small smile.

You smiled back and nodded as a thank you.

He always seemed to understand.

You immediately got to work, going through cade files and organizing them. Taking notes on case files and answering emails.

Today was obviously going to be a day of paperwork and nothing else.

Lunch time rolled around slowly, your stomach growling constantly until then.

"Hey, me JJ, Prentiss, and Rossi ars going to eat. Do you two want to come?" Morgan asked as he gathered a set of SUV keys, his badge, and gun.

"Hmm, I think I'm good. Thanks for asking though." Reid responded and Morgan nodded.

You just shook your head and Morgan left with everyone else.

"Hey Y/N?" Reid asked, rolling over in his rollie chair.

"What captian dork?" You asked and turned towards him.

"Would, uh, would you like to go out for lunch? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to I can go by myself." He babbled out quickly.

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