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You had convinced Reid to go home that Sunday. Telling him you could manage wasn't enough and you had literally shove him out of your house.

You bid him a goodbye and told him you would see him the next day at work.

After he was gone though, the house seemed awfully empty. It was quieter than usual.

You could tell that the birds missed his company as well, they didn't make much noise nearly the whole day.

Trying to busy yourself with cleaning wasn't possible since Reid had kept the house pretty clean himself.

This gave you time to think about your decision, if you were to stay here or go back to Michigan.

You pondered the question for a bit before pulling out your laptop and facetiming Foyer.

The bubble sounds signalled the call pending and a happy ding played when he answered.

"Long time no see little lady." He said and smiled, his dimples popping out and his pearly white teeth on show.

"Hello gigantor." Foyer is six four and he is most definitely the definition of the jolly green giant.

"Come on I'm not here to be called names." He laughed quietly.

"Oh shut it you puppy man. Im awfully bored and needed company." You spoke and layed on your stomach on your bed, the laptop resting in front of your face.

"Where did smarty pants go?" He asked. You furrowed your brows. How did he know about Reid.

"Mason told me about him. He was going off about him when Hotch told him that you and Reid were getting along." He clearified.

"Ohhh okay. I made him leave. He needed to go back to his apartment so it wasn't covered dust and he needed to pack a go bag for work tomorrow." You spoke and rubbed your eyes.

"So now you're all sad and lonely." He laughed.

"Don't make fun of me you ass." You flipped him off playfully.

"Foyer! Foyer!" You heard yelling in the background.

"Is that a Y/N I hear?" Foyers older brother came in the room. Another hometown friend you had.

You, Foyer, and Jake had all been friends for a long time.

Jake's sculpted face appeared on the screen, apple green eyes showing prominently and a smile ridden on his face.

"Hey pie how's it going?" Pie was a childhood nickname he dubbed you a long time ago.

"Pretty good, got fucked up a while ago though. I guess that's what the job gets me." You shrugged.

"Stay safe jesus. Don't want you getting hurt too bad do we?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh shut it you grease monkey." You scoffed.

"Hey." He whined.

"How is your mechanic job going Jake?" You asked.

"Good. I got to work an 1967 Impala that was going on sale. I think I'm going to buy it. Its the best damn car I've ever seen." He gushed.

"What about your bike?" You asked. Jake was a car enthusiast and a motorcycle enthusiast. He loved the mechanics and even raced motorcycles for a while.

"Oh I'm keeping my bike." He pulled a chair up and sat next to Foyer at Foyer's desk.

"And Jake has found a love interest at his job." Foyer elbowed his brother.

"Really Foy? Seriously?" Jake rolled his eyes.

"Enlighten me lover boy. Who's the lucky someone?" You laughed.

"Ugh. His name is Casey, he goes by Cas." He blushed as he spoke about him.

"Aweee Jakey. I'm happy for you. Is he good looking?" You asked.

"Yes oh my god yes. He's very pretty, has nice blue eyes and black hair. I'll send you a picture of him later." He smiled.

"Any love interests for you Y/N, or are you waiting to come back for Foyer?" Jake joked.

"Hahaha funny." Foyer said sarcastically and pushed Jake.

"Ehh. I mean sort of, but I can't pursue it if I haven't even decided if I'm staying or leaving. Plus there is a rule against interdepartmentalized relationships at the BAU so.." You shrugged and picked at your nails.

"Oo you work with him! Tell me more tell me more!" Jake said sing song like.

"Oh shut it you bimbo." You rolled your eyes at Jake.

"So Jake is a bimbo and I'm an oaf?" Foyer asked with a small side smirk.

"Yes. Or I can shove you two together and make you one large oaf." You laughed.

"Rude." Jake scoffed.

"Anywho. Tell me more about your lover Y/N. Is he cute? Is he tall, short, skinny? Is she pretty?" Jake asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Jake I had a girlfriend one time. Once." You rolled your eyes at him.

"Still counts lady." He pointed out.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes.

"As you were asking, yes he is cute. He's mega cute and like super dorky and stuff. He has really pretty brown eyes. I'll send you a picture later." You laughed.

"You guys are trading crush pictures? Why am I friends with you?" Foyer joked.

"Shut it you oaf." You waved him off.

"Well I'm gonna leave, Foyer's house smells like books and I drank all of his beer so I have no business here." Jake said and stood.

"What the hell, you son of a bitch?!" Foyer looked at Jake.

"What, you had the good beer and only three bottles left. I drank it because it was in the fridge and I was thirsty." He shrugged and started walking away.

Foyer rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I'll talk to you later pie!" He called from the door in Foyer's office.

"Same here you bimbo!" You yelled back and laughed.

Jake left Foyer' house, you hearing the door click shut.

"It's probably really late." You said to him.

"Eh it's not too late, but we do have a lot of file work to do tomorrow so I'm going to let you go." He said and looked down at his hands.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later Foyer." You frowned.

"Foyer." You started. He looked up at you with a sad expression.

"I may or may not be coming back, I can't really decide and I only have a little bit of time left." You said sadly.

"I know. I miss you a lot." He said and rubbed his eye.

"I'll talk to you later alright? I love you Foy." You said with a sad voice.

"I love you too Y/N." He said sadly.

You hung up on the call and rolled onto your back, looking up at the boring gray ceiling.

It was dark now, when you had gotten off of Facetime with Foyer.

The darkness of night expressing your mood.

God damnit life was hard.

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