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After a near 24 hours of staying in the PD, you, Reid, and Prentiss left to stay back at the hotel.

You all confirmed to Hotch that sleep was key.

He let you all off gently and told you that when you came back you all would have a work load to go through.

All three of you complied and left happily. Tired bodies ready for a day of rest.

You all took an SUV to the hotel, you and Reid taking a small nap in the back as Prentiss sleepily drove to the hotel.

At arrival you all trudged with tired feet to the elevator and up to the floor of all of your rooms.

You and Reid separated from Prentiss, her waving and muttering a goodnight before she went into her room.

You entered your room, Reid entered his as well.

You quickly stripped of your pants, button down shirt coming to your mid thighs.

Reid opened the door between your rooms, peeking in. You turned to him with a raised brow and tired eyes squinted.

"Hey Reid. How did you sleep?" You asked jokingly.

"Oh I was, I was going to ask you if you wanted to watch a movie." He said rubbing his neck.

"Anything you want sugar plum. In my room or yours?"  You asked and bent down to search for sweatpants. You found a pair quickly and slipped them on.

"I uh. Um, in here if you dont mind." He said and leaned against the door frame.

"Its settled then. Come on in, dont be shy. Im gonna get changed real fast and I'll be right back." You nodded to him and grabbed a shirt from your bag.

He nodded, walking in and towards your bed. It was a bit larger than his which is maybe a latter reason to why he chose your room.

You went into the bathroom, closing the door behind you and stripping from your shirt. You discarded your bra as well, back feeling immedate relief from the constrictive fabric.

You tossed it on the floor, comepletely disregaurding the mess of clothes there now, and tugged on the shirt you brought with you.

He walked in shyly, making a trudge sort of walk to your bed. He quickly made himself comfortable in your bed, kicking one leg over the other and leaning back.

You soon emerged from the bathroom, smiling. You made your way over to the bed, jumping onto it with an 'oof'. Reid let out a small laugh as you climbed over him and got settled on the bed.

You grunted in response to his nonverbal making fun of. Wiggling around you settled into the bed.

"Reid. Give me the remote please." You spoke looking at the TV. You stuck out your hand and wiggled your fingers signalling for him to hand it to you.

"You mean you want this remote?"He asked as he waved the remote.

"Yes that remote. So I can pick a movie." You whined now facing him.

"No. You're going to choose some stupid romcom and I don't want to watch a romcom." He whined back and stretched his arm up, keeping the remote away and out of your reach.

"Come on Reid." You stuck out your bottom lip and pouted.

You climbed over, kneeling and reaching for it. He pushed his arm up higher making you pout more.

You swung a leg over his lap, scooting forward and now straddling him.

Instinctually he dropped the hand not holding the remote and set it on your hip, he squeezed it softly and dropped the remote down a few inches.

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