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The road was quick and you nearly felt car sick at the swirves and turns, but you continued counting and keeping track of each turn. The minuets droned on. Hopefully someone would find you soon.


Reid was growing impatient, those minutes you promised you were going to be gone for seemed to run out and now he was nearly petrified, and maybe a little self conscious that you chickened out because you made out with him and maybe you didnt like his body since you had just seen him very close to naked.

I mean those swimshorts are basically skin tight.

He slipped on his Birkenstocks, gathering yours and his items. He made his way from the pool, the chlorine scent following him out and wafting with him, something he'd wash off later.

He walked his way to the front by the lobby, the counter was absent of a worker and your presence.  This caused his heart rate to pick up considerably.

He walked briskly up to your rooms, opting for the latter choice and skipping twice the steps on the stairs to get there quicker.

He slid your key card in, opening your door quickly. His head whiped around frantically, searching for your form and maybe even a signal of your presence, but it was empty.

Reid left with a slam of your door, his mind running wild and searching for a possible answer. 

His strides were deep and wide, his body moving quickly and heading down to Prentiss' room.

Reid knocked a heavy, mean, impatient fist on Emily's door. His knuckles hurting at how hard he was banging on the wood door.

A sleepy emily answered the door, hair pushed in multiple directions.

"What do you need Reid, I'm tired." She whined and rubbed her eyes.

"I can't. Prentiss. Emily. I don't. Help." He strangled out, voice ruff and wavery.

Her eyes widened in concern and she flipped a main light on looking at him.

"Whats wrong Reid?" She asked frantically, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him in the room.

She went for the bathrobe hanging close by and giving it to Reid to cover himself.

"I just. She went to get popcorn. We were going to watch a movie. Prentiss, I can't find Y/N." He said frantically looking at her from where his head was turned.

"What?" She asked, eyes widening.

"I can't. I don't, uh, know. Prentiss she's gone." He let a tear slip down his cheek.

"Sit down. Im calling Hotch." She said and turned to the bed, grabbing her cell from the bed side table and dialed his number quickly.

Reid sat there, feelings numb. He couldn't focus, mind running wild yet feeling still and dormant. Prentiss spoke to Hotch, her voice to Reid sounding quiet and distant.

"He's crying Hotch, he's shut down. She's gone, he can't find her." She said into the phone, nodding when Hotch responded.

She hung up the phone soon and made her way over to Reid. resting a soft calm hand on his shoulder and using her other hand to wipe shed tears from his cheeks.

"The team is on their way, we'll find her Reid. We are going to save her." Prentiss comforted him.

Reid still sat, emotionless expression accept for the heavy trail of salty tears cascading down his now pink cheeks.

The skin around his eyes becoming irritated from the tears and his eyes seemed to dull more than they already were.

Soon the rest of the team arrived from the PD. Hotch seemed calm almost as doormant as Reid was, his face was close to expressionless but his voice was firm and gruffer than normal. Prentiss could tell he was just as panicked as anyone else was.

Reid hadn't spoken for nearly an hour, his mouth opened and shut multiple times letting out silent babbles of uncomprehendable words.

"Spence, we need you to talk. You will help us find her. All of us are just as worried as you are." JJ spoke calmly to him, her voice hushed and quiet.

She soothed him by holding his hand and rubbing her thumb over his own.

Her hand wasn't as soft as Y/N's, was nearly the only constant thing  on Reids mind.

"We were swimming." Reid finally cracked out. JJ nodded and the rest of the team began to listen.

"We were just in the hot tub, warming up from the pool. She asked if I wanted watch a movie. We were going to watch one earlier but she decided she wanted to swim." He said, closing his eyes and sighing.

"We got out of the pool and dried off. I mean I dried off completely, or started to when she suggested her going to buy popcorn at the front desk in the lobby." Rossi stood close and wrote down what Reid was saying.

"I agreed, she took my shirt and put it on. Then she told me she would only be a few seconds and then she left. I let her leave. I should have gone with her." Reid's voice began to waver, cracking and unsteady. He looked up at Hotch and everyone with pleading eyes, the whites of them now red and irritated from crying.

"Reid this is no where near your fault." Prentiss said rubbing his shoulder.

"I should have gone with her. We knew the stakes of this case and I totally let her slip out of my grasp." He choked back a sob and rubbed profusely at his eyes.

"We will go get the security tapes from the lobby cameras, Hotch do that please, and we will call up garcia and have her look into things, Morgan please do that." JJ spoke to both men and Reid.

Reid nodded, swallowing thickly and he tugged the robe on tighter, security himself in a hug.

"She will be just fine Reid." Prentiss spoke softly and rubbed his shoulder.

"Shes so strong Spence. She will be okay. She's so very capable of taking care of anything that comes her way." JJ comforted him.

"She's strong." He repeated quietly.

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