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You woke up early the next morning, sun shining through the large window in your room and a soft caw coming from the bird room.

You tossed the blankets back, stretching and rubbing your eyes. You got out of bed, feet shuffling against the carpeted floor. Making your way to the bird's room you readjusted your shirt, pulling down the parts that had hiked up and twisting it around.

The birds chirped up when greeted, you pouring feed in their bowls and leaving the door open. Today was sunday and you were going to enjoy a day in and relax before going back to your stressful days of work ahead.

You wandered down the stairs, brain still hazy from sleep. You saw the living room in prestine condition, even cleaner than it was before Reid came over.

You furrowed your brows, confused as to why Reid was no where to be found.

The floor thumped as your bare feet padded against the hardwood floor and you made your way to the kitchen.

A yellow note sat on the granite counter, it torn from the note pad just a few inches away from where the note sat.

It read,

Hey Y/N.
   I left early morning, my inability to sleep making it more difficult to occupy myself. Take good care today and relax. I'll see you tomorrow at work.

(Your birds are lovely and I stroked them before I left.)

Spencer Reid.

The note was written in sloppish hand writing, Reid's writing always making you laugh.

You nodded though, understanding that he left when he had to. You folded the note up, finding a close by drawer to tuck the paper in. Humming you thought of what to do to occupy your already seemingly boring day.

You decided cleaning up wasn't quite a bad idea and started to play music before cleaning the kitchen.

You sterilized counters and cupboards, then went on to clean the back sliding glass door and windows before finishing the room off with a mop.

You then cleaned up the living room, organizing the selection of magazines and candles on the center coffee table, digging change and such out of the sofa seats, dusting shelves and re organizing books, then ending with a washed, shampooed, and properly vacuumed living room carpet.

You carried the mop and carpet cleaner up the stairs, going back down to use a normal vacuum to clean the carpeted steps.

After that you started in the bird room, cleaning the cages out and replacing the padding and such in the bottom.

Then you mopped the floor, cleaning the mess the birds made. Yes birds are smelly and messy and leave a huge distaster in their wake, but you took such procautions to prevent that. Precautions including cleaning the room at least four times a week, extensive birdy potty training, and enough motivation to make trips to Bath and Body Works to buy wall scent plug ins.

The birds managed to take care of themselves when you went away though, they were smart enough to drink from the sinks and open their bag of food.

You smiled happily after seeing the room clean, the birds chirping and speaking back a croaky 'love you' when you left. They always new exactly what to say.

Humming to the music you had put on, you made your way into the hall bath and tidied it. No one really came over so their was no need to clean everything.

Then your own office room was next, you organized shelves of books and stacks of papers, shredding unneeded things and dusting.

And now your bedroom. Your bedroom was the master of course, the two other bedrooms were now your office and the room for the birds. Moving in had been a pain in the ass, but finding a house to rent was fantastically easy and you persuaded them with your minor disability and your FBI badge get the paperwork done and get your offer processed.

You smiled at the room as you cleaned it, neutral gray walls going well with white and gold accents. Once more a large or two large bookshelves filled with books, this one holding a shelf or two for CDs, memories, memorabilila, pictures, and your collection of records.

Then multiple strings of photos on an adjacent wall. Polaroids and simple ones you got printed off from Walmart, you creating a mini collage of memories and times to never forget. You smiled and then set a reminder to go to walmart later and get the photos you took of Reid printed out to paste on your wall with the other important people in your life captured in timeless memories.

You inspected a photo of you and Foyer, you hopped on his back happily and his head turned back to look at you. Then a photo of you standing outside the bureau in Michigan, Kolahand next to you smiling brightly.

You shook off the sudden sadness you felt, and proceeded to clean your room. You made your bed, rearranged things, tidied up, vacuumed and carpet cleaned.

It was now around three. Cleaning had become a tiredsome job so you drew a bath, candles lit around it, a magenta bathbomb turning the water pink and bubbles pink.

You sat with your laptop on the tile around the bathtub, a towel under it so it couldn't go under any water damage.

FaceTime was pulled up and you and Foyer were chatting.

"Yeah, the house is nice. I like it. I sent you pictures I think." You thought and spoke.

"You did. It is pretty nice. Pretty girl pretty house, keeping it the way its supposed to be." He smiled.

"Are you trying to flatter me Foyer?" You asked, clapping a hand against your bare chest, breasts luckily concealed with bubbles. Its not like Foyer hasn't seen you in nude before, I mean he is the keeper of your virginity.

For a fact he has seen you naked on multiple occasions. When you had sex for the first time, once when he walked into your room on accident while you were changing, skinny dipping together, truth or strip at a frat party, other memories of those occurances dug deep back in your brain.

"I always flatter you sugar, it shouldn't be any other way." He spoke smoothly. You smiled at him, his big hazel eyes glimmering. They were green for the most part, a muddy mute green with accents of blue and brown. His long brown hair cascading down to his shoulders.

"How's work having you?" He asked. You shook your head remembering you were having a conversation not a staring contest.

"Its actually going quite well. We've solved a case already with me on the team. Ive made loads of new friends as well." You said happily and then smiled when thinking of Reid.

Right when you opened your mouth to say something about him, your phone rang signalling a text.

"Well looks like the lovely lady has a secret admirer. Who could it be?" He joked.

You shook your head and laughed. You reached for your phone, Foyer playfully calling out 'nip slip' when your nipple came out of the bubbles.

"Stop staring you oaf." You laughed and turned the screen on, the photo of you and Reid making you smile.

You then read the notification, it was a text from Reid.

"Its a text from my coworker." You said and looked up at Foyer, furrow in your brow.

"Whats it say lady?" He asked.

"Um. Hey Y/N, so I'm 109% sure I left my sock at your house. Im not sure how I left it there but its missing. Im with Morgan at the BAU (we were doing paperwork) he was willing to drive your car over if I can come and get my sock, then maybe we all can watch a movie and eat pizza or something. I need a little bit of company and Morgan is annoying." You read it aloud.

You giggled, Morgan can be a handful.

"Well are you just gonna sit there and smile or reply to the man!" Foyer yelled playfully.

"I will give me a moment." You spoke back to him.

You typed out the message.

Sure thing boy genius. Pizza and movies sounds lovely with you boys, come on over. We can search for your sock and then go to Walmart because I need to get a few things.

You sent the message and smiled at Foyer.

"Looks like I have company."

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