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You woke up to a loud thud, then a soft yelp and a groan. You listened and realized that the water was running.

Reid dropped the bottle of shampoo in the shower.

You giggled at the thought and stretched out. The coffee pot on the counter, in the makeshift kitchen going off and signalling new, fresh, hot coffee.

You got out of bed and to the kitchen, not minding the fact that your shirt was hiked up in a whole bunch of places.

You yawned and rubbed your face, shaking your head afterwords.

Pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you ignored the creamer and settled for just black.

You walked towards the window looking out at the city scape. Los Angeles was very pretty, especially at sunset or sunrise.

You sipped the coffee tentatively and kept your eyes on the city, cars zooming past. It was what you presumed to be afternoon now.

When a zipper was heard unzipping you turned around in question. Reid stood over his bag, a towel wrapped tightly around his hips and wet hair cascading small drops of water around.

He looked so pretty. His stomach in a few small folds since he was bent over, collarbones strong and prominent. His arms were muscley, not horribly though. Just a healthy amount of muscle.

God he actually looked very hot.

"Y/N. You've been staring." He said, clothes now in hand. You shook your head, clearing your throat.

A deep blush rose. "Sorry. I um. Sorry." You said, voice squeaky.

"You're fine um. I should have brought clothes in, I just assumed you were asleep." He said looking down.

"Its okay Reid. I'll pour you a cup of coffee." You said and walked passed him.

He nodded and walked back into the bathroom, door closing softly behind him.

You shook your head at yourself. 'Did I really have to stare?' You asked yourself.

You made him a cup of coffee, putting some sugar in it, a lot more than you normally would. He seems like a sugary person.

He came in the room soon, stood behind you as you made his cup of coffee.

"Thank you. Sorry for waking you if I did." He said quietly.

You shivered at him talking, his whisper deep and calming.

"No. N-no you're all good Dr. I apologize for staring earlier. Really wasn't my business." You spoke quietly, a deep flush setting your cheeks ablaze.

You turned around, coffee cup hand. You smiled brightly up at Reid, trying to diffuse the fluster you held.

"Thank you for the coffee Y/N." He spoke, voice its normal octive and ringy.

"Anything for you Dr." You smiled innocently. He smiled back, it faultering and a blush striking his cheeks.

He backed away, sipped the drink out of the cup, and walked slowly to the table.

"Hotch and Morgan are at the local police department, they want us there at three fourty-five the latest. We'll go over the case in more detail and brief the cops with a profile." He spoke adjusting his tie and sweater-vest.

"What time is it?" You asked and Reid's glance flickered down to his watch.

"Its two thirty." He said and sipped more of his coffee.

"Im going to go shower, I'll meet you back here around three fifteen." You spoke. He nodded and said a goodbye as you left the room.

Right as you stepped outside you grumbled.

You spoke through the door.

"Reid. Where are my room keys. And most importantly, where's my room?" You said with a laugh.

"One second." He responded and laughed himself. He came to the door soon, two cards in hand.

"A spare too. Your room is number 67, by the end of the hall." He said and smiled.

You said a quick thanks before walking briskly towards your room.

You opened it, closed the door behind you, and headed straight to the bathroom for a shower.


"The recent murder had a witness. A hostage. Megan Tallasmen. Megan Tallasmen witnessed the brutal murder of her fiance. After the murder Tallasmen came in and said who the unsub is. 5'7 Caucasian woman, dark brown hair that is shoulder length. This unsub believes she is doing what's right, and she will not let anything get in her way. We have aproxomite coordinates and the adress of her home." Hotch briefed the team and the cops.

"We'll send multiple of you outside of her home, armed and ready. If it comes to it, shoot. She's very dangerous and we need all of you to keep caution. Lets head out in twenty." Hotch dismissed them.

They all left and got ready, soon all of you left together, holsters full of armed weapons and feet moving fast. The faster you could get there, the faster you can capture the unsub, the faster you can get justice.

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