~September 24th~ {Pt.3}

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1 hour before...

Four days have passed since Mina's death, and Jimin found himself sitting inside his apartment thinking about her. His first patient...But she was not just Jimin's patient. She was his confidant and...friend. Three years into him being her personal nurse, she found out that Jimin was a little. But her reaction was different...she understood. She was all he had, and now she is gone. Jimin realized tears were running down his cheeks, and he hastily wiped them away. He had been crying so much recently, he was surprised he had not run out of all the liquid in his body.

Suddenly Jimin's thoughts flashed to Yoongi. How he held his hand and comforted him, despite knowing Jimin for only a few weeks.

Yoongi had made Jimin forget, and he had missed that feeling over the last four days. The warmth of Yoongi's hand and the brightness of the man's smile was all Jimin could think about when he was with him. 

Suddenly Jimin stood up from his place on the living room couch.

He was going to see Yoongi.



Yoongi flung open the door, only to come face to face with the person he least expected to be at his door at 3:10 in the morning.

It was Jimin.

Yoongi quickly hid the knife in the belt of his pants and tried to act casual.

"H-hey Jimin, it's pretty early. What are you doing up?" Jimin blushed at the question and looked at his toes.

"I just...wanted to see you hyung..." Jimin said in a soft whisper. Yoongi recalled giving Jimin his address after their "date" the other day and telling the boy to come to his home if he ever needed something. Yoongi decided not to ask questions and ushered the shivering boy inside.

Jimin immediately gasped at the extravagant all-white interior of Yoongi's home. 

"I did not know you were a fucking trillionaire!" Yoongi smirked as he watched Jimin try to absorb every single detail around him into his memory. His depressed aura from just a few moments ago had completely disappeared, replaced with the excitement of a giddy child.

Yoongi loved this side of Jimin.

He realized he was staring and hastily turned around, walking to his kitchen to make some tea. Yoongi slipped the dagger out of his belt where it had been resting quite uncomfortably and hid it in the silverware drawer, watching Jimin closely to make sure that the boy does not turn around. He then proceeded to boil water in a kettle, preparing some rose tea that he found in one of the kitchen cabinets. 

When the tea was finished, Yoongi dug around in another cabinet and finally pulled out the thing he had been looking for; A jar of rainbow sprinkles.

Yoongi added the sprinkles to one of the mugs of tea and brought them back into the living room, where Jimin was waiting patiently. 

Jimin smiled widely when Yoongi handed him the tea and giggled when he saw the sprinkles inside. Yoongi plopped down on his couch next to Jimin and cupped his cheek, brushing the boy's fluffy pink locks away from his eyes.

"What's wrong cupcake?"Yoongi instantly gasped as the words left his lips and his face reddened. He did not mean to let that slip. But he was glad he did when he took in Jimin's expression.

Jimin's face practically glowed at the pet name and he cuddled into Yoongi's side, resting his head on the man's shoulder and whispering softly.

"I miss Mina, and you make me happy." Yoongi flushed at that statement and wrapped an arm around Jimin, grabbing the tv remote and clicking the 'on' button.

"Would you like to watch something Chim?" Yoongi asked, clicking on the Netflix logo and scrolling through the 'popular now' list. Jimin gasped and pointed excitedly at something on the screen. Yoongi looked to where Jimin was pointing and smiled sweetly at the cute boy when he saw what the movie was.

"Mulan it is then."


One hour later, Jimin had gone from singing along to the movie with extravagance, to humming along sleepily. Somewhere in the middle of 'Be a Man,' Jimin had moved to sit on Yoongi's lap, straddling his waist. Yoongi was trying so hard to contain himself as he felt Jimin's perfectly round ass right on top of his crotch and he was starting to feel a growing problem in his now tight jeans.

At first, Yoongi was a bit uncomfortable, but he decided not to voice his concerns. It was clear to see that Jimin needed comforting and that was much more important that Yoongi's "issue."

Some might have thought that Jimin's childish personality was weird but Yoongi just thought it was super adorable. He had only been around knife-wielding murderers his whole life, so he enjoyed Jimin's carefree and cute personality.

Yoongi looked up at the tv screen and noticed the credits were rolling. He did not have the heart to wake up the sleeping boy in his arms, so he took out his phone and scrolled through YouTube. One video, in particular, caught his eye. The description read; "How to tell if someone is in little space."

"What the fuck is that?..." Yoongi wondered aloud. Jimin stirred in his sleep and Yoongi mentally cursed himself. The boy thankfully did not wake up. Yoongi looked at the video a bit longer and started to get intrigued, so without any hesitation, he plugged his headphones in and clicked on the video. A grown man hugging a pink teddy bear and sucking a pacifier appeared on the screen of Yoongi's phone. Yoongi's face contorted into an expression of confusion as he took in the video in front of him. A man's voice started to fill Yoongi's headphones.

"Do you have a friend or family member that seems to regress into a child mentality when they are stressed or upset? Then this person may just be a little!" The man's extremely excited voice made Yoongi sick. He paused the video and looked down at the sleeping boy in his lap. Could Jimin be...

A little?


1,074 words! I'm so proud of myself lol.

>>I originally had a different idea of how Yoongi would find out, but it's chapter nine and I don't want this story to go too far until we get to the juicy stuff┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴

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