ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 16ᴛʜ {ᴘᴛ. 2}

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"Okay, Yoongi. Show me."


y o o n g i :

Countless thoughts of uncertainty flooded through Yoongi's mind as he led Jimin into his study. War and Peace seemed to stand ominously on the shelf, all the books that surrounded it fading into nothing. He could feel Jimin looking at him, waiting to see what the man was about to reveal, and suddenly he could not take it anymore. 

He grabbed Jimin by the neck and kissed him with such ferocity that the boy immediately melted in his arms, gasping as Yoongi's wet tongue met his. 

And then it was over. Yoongi turned back to the bookshelf, tugged War and Peace, and the entrance to his old life opened once again. 

"You may never want to kiss me again after this," Yoongi murmured as Jimin's eyes grew wide in wonder at the secret passage that was revealed.

There was only silence and the ring of two pairs of footsteps against the marble floor, as the two males stepped towards the worn iron door. A lazer flashed out, scanning Yoongi's eyes, and the door swung open, blinding both men with the bright light that lay behind it. Yoongi's hands shook, and he gulped down the bile that had risen in his throat as he watched Jimin's eyes flit around the room, an unreadable expression on the boy's face.

Hundreds of guns, blades, chains, whips, and torture devices that have never been seen by the eyes of the public lay on the walls or strewn in display cases in the pristinely white room. These were not weapons used for sport or safety. This was a room belonging to a trained murderer. And Yoongi watched this realization dawn on Jimin as his gaze wandered around the room before coming to a stop on the man before him.

"Yoongi..." There was a slight tremor to the boy's voice as he spoke. "W-what is this place?"

"Jimin I..." Yoongi sighed, running a calloused hand through his hair. "I'm not who you think I am." Sweat was dripping down the man's neck and he lowered his gaze so he did not have to look into the innocent doe eyes of the younger boy. "I used to be an assassin," Yoongi continued, his gaze still not leaving the floor. "I left that life behind me a long time ago but now I'm..." Yoongi gulped."I'm scared Jimin. Scared that this life has come back to haunt me, but most of all, I'm scared of losing you." Silence filled the room as the seconds ticked by. Yoongi knew that he had probably lost the small boy forever, but if this is what he had to do to keep him safe then he would do this a thousand times more in a heartbeat. Tears dripped down the man's face, falling to the floor like the blood of so many of his victims.

And then something unexpected happened.

The tears stopped dripping, for small chubby fingers wiped them away, with such care and compassion that Yoongi was practically in pain due to all of the kindness engulfing him. A hand pushed Yoongi's face up to meet Jimin's amber eyes that held enough emotion and adoration to fill an entire ocean. 

"Maybe you were an assassin..." Jimin murmured, holding the crying man close, "but now you are Min Yoongi. The Min Yoongi that I love and would never give up for the entire world." 

"I love you too."

Lips met and moved in harmony, as tears fell down both their cheeks and mixed together to form the love that radiated off both of their bodies. Jimin drew back, panting, and gazed intently into the elder's eyes.

"Yoongi, I'm ready."


>>bro get ready for some smut in the next chapter. I've legit only written a blowjob so far (in my other book), so wish me luck lmao.

 I've legit only written a blowjob so far (in my other book), so wish me luck lmao

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