ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 16ᴛʜ

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y o o n g i :

The tension running down Yoongi's spine felt as though a thousand bullets had lodged themselves deep inside of his body. For weeks now, there has been nothing. Yoongi returned his gun to the safe and him and Jimin have had the entire world to themselves. At least, that's how it felt. 

It was like absolutely nothing could go wrong. 

But there is always an end to happiness. Yoongi learned that a long time ago.

So as the man slid his coat over his shoulders, and left the house to pick up Jimin from his shift, he knew that they were not safe.

J was still out there, and Jimin was no safer in the dark.


j i m i n :

"Hi baby~" Jimin cooed, sliding his arms around Yoongi's neck and pressing his body close as soon as the man exited his car. However, the boy's smile soon turned into a frown as Yoongi simply pecked him on the lips, and got back into the vehicle without saying a word.

Is something wrong?

The car ride home was excruciatingly silent, with Jimin sending worried looks in Yoongi's direction every few minutes. Jimin tapped his fingers against his leg nervously as they pulled into the Driveway of Yoongi's mansion and came to a stop. 

"Yoongi did I do something wrong?" Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he looked at the solemn man. Yoongi immediately spun around, his trance gone and his eyes full of concern.

"God no Min, I just..." Something hardened in his expression that Jimin could not quite place. "I need to show you something. Come with me." The hard eyes that burned into Jimin's were not the kind ones he was used to, they held a firm resolve, and they scared the boy...but also reassured him. And so Jimin exited the car and gripped Yoongi's hand tight.

"Okay, Yoongi. Show me."


>>So I just logged on to Wattpad after giving up on this story several months ago, only to find 14k reads! The last time I checked it was at like 3k lol. Anyway, I re-read the entire book so I remembered exactly what happens and honestly my writing is so bad I'm cringing. But I'm going to finish this book because nobody likes a bad cliffhanger. 

Anyway, I have the next chapter written as well so that one should be up in a few days, and I will hopefully have this book finished by the end of summer^^ 

Thanks to everyone who has supported me from the beginning♡

(also sorry for the really short chapter but It would be too long if I didn't cut it up lolol.)

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