~October 2nd~{Pt. 2}

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J I M I N:

Jimin left Yoongi's house feeling happy. Although, he had lied a bit...

His patient Yugyeom's house was around a 30-minute walk away. Jimin felt bad that he had already caused Yoongi so much trouble so he did not want to inconvenience the man in any other way.

As Jimin walked, his eyes wandered around his surroundings. Mansions the size of twenty times Jimin's apartment towered before the small boy. He wondered how Yoongi had obtained so much money so early on in his life and what the man was doing working in a coffee shop when he already seemingly had everything he needed.

Jimin snapped out of his thoughts when he started to notice the houses decrease in size and look less and less...extravagant.

"This isn't right..." Jimin mumbled to himself. Yugyeom lived in a neighborhood just as nice as Yoongi's. Jimin looked around uncertainly.

He was lost.

Jimin suddenly noticed a figure in the distance. As he neared closer he realized it was a man. The man was wearing all black with a hood covering his eyes. An unapproachable aura radiated off him, but he was the only person in sight, so Jimin reluctantly headed towards the mysterious man despite the uneasy feeling that was starting to arise in his stomach.


The man spun around revealing an equally concealed face. His nose completely obscured behind a black face mask. The only thing that was visible was his eyes.

They held no light. Almost as if he had given up on the possibility of happiness a long time ago. However, when the man's eyes connected with Jimin's, a flame seemed to ignite and he grinned manically under the face mask.

Jimin felt no comfort under the cold eyes of the stranger, but he pushed on.

"Um, could you maybe tell me how to get to Beoh-reoh street?"

The man's grin somehow widened more as he stared at Jimin and the boy shifted uncomfortably under the piercing gaze.

Finally, the man spoke.

"Yes, in fact, I do!" Suddenly the man reached out and took one of Jimin's pink locks between his calloused fingers. Jimin instantly shied away from the unwanted contact. The man instantly laughed at Jimin's cold response and drew his hand away.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to see if your hair was as soft as it looked." there was a pause.

"No wonder Agust has taken such a liking to you."

Jimin paused.

"Who is Agust?"

A glint appeared in the man's eyes but he merely kept smiling not saying a word.

Jimin waved a hand in front of the man's face.

"Hello?" He asked.

Suddenly a crash sounded behind Jimin and the boy spun around, startled by the sudden sound. But when he looked back he was met with an odd sight.

The mysterious man had vanished.

>>Note: @Armywhale thank you so much for all of the votes and reads! It means the world to me

>>Note: @Armywhale  thank you so much for all of the votes and reads! It means the world to me❤

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⇧(also this is a band called The Rose btw. They are super underrated but amazing and I went to their concert a month ago and just wow.)

Ok now I will go


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