~October 13th~

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Yoongi gasped for air as he ran from his shift at the Brewtiful Cafe as fast as his short legs could carry him. Today was Jimin's birthday and he was determined to arrive home before Jimin finished checking up on his patient. 

Jimin had practically moved in with the man and Yoongi was not complaining one bit. The spare toothbrush, extra set of clothes and stuffies scattered around the house only confirmed this fact further. 

Yoongi worked quickly and diligently; setting up streamers and taking out the cake he had baked in the morning before Jimin woke up. Hastily placing the present he had prepared on his coffee table as he heard dainty footsteps approaching the front door. 

A light knock sounded and Yoongi threw open the front door cheering;

"Happy birthday Minnie!"

Jimin's eyes widened and he hugged Yoongi in joy. 

"Yoonie, how did you know?!" The boy asked smiling from ear to ear in happiness. 

"I may have done a small background check on you..." The man smiled sheepishly and Jimin hit his arm. 

"You are so weird hyungie, but I still like you." Jimin giggled making grabby hands, Yoongi instantly picking the smaller up, his hands supporting the underside of the boys' thighs. 

"Stay big for a bit longer baby." He chided, "I have a special gift for you." Yoongi walked over to the large couch, sitting down with Jimin in his lap. He handed the gift to Jimin, the boys' face immediately lighting up in joy. The smaller did not waste a second and eagerly ripped open the paper. 

Jimin's eyes immediately clouded with tears, observing a photobook with a picture of a young girl on the front. "It's Mina..." he whispered. 

Yoongi tightened his arms around the boys' waist rubbing comforting circles into the soft skin. "I asked around and compiled a bunch of photos of Mina for you. I know you miss her so I hope this will help." 

Jimin began to flip through the pages, tears silently rolling down his cheeks. He came across a photo of him and Mina, joyful smiles covering both of their faces. Yoongi watched as Jimin stroked his finger across the photo, sadness coating his features. After a few minutes, Jimin looked up and blubbered out a small;

"Thank you Yoonie," before burying his face in the mans' shoulder breathing out a sigh. "This gift means so much to me." 

"I'm glad baby." Yoongi murmured, stroking Jimin's hair and sliding his free hand down to his jeans pocket. "I actually got you something else if you wanna see..." 

Jimin looked up curious as Yoongi fished a large key from his pocket handing it to the boy. 

"What's mine is yours, darling," Yoongi grinned. "Now you can come here whenever you want." 

Jimin smiled wide, giggling out an excited,

"Thank you, daddy!" Yoongi knew immediately that the boy was slipping into little space and he kissed the soft skin of Jimin's cheek. 

"Want to take a bath cupcake? I know you did not have time to this morning." 

"Okay, daddy!" Jimin said, prancing up the large spiral staircase, Yoongi trying so hard to not think of anything dirty as he climbed up the stairs after the small boy.

Once Jimin was safely in the tub, after demanding the Yoongi turn away while he undressed, the man popped a bath bomb in the water, the little giggling in joy. 

Yoongi carefully massaged shampoo into Jimin's hair, making sure it did not get into the boys' eyes. 

"Mm~ your fingers feel nice YoonYoon..." Jimin sighed sleepily and after a few minutes of massaging and washing, Yoongi got up only to find that the little had fallen asleep in the tub. 

"Ah, fuck he fell asleep," Yoongi mumbled to himself as he struggled to lift the younger out of the bath, his clothes getting soaked in the process. Yoongi dried off the boy, and brought him into his room, trying his hardest not to look down. He quietly slipped boxers and a large shirt on the little and changed his soaked clothes as well. Before Yoongi could climb into bed beside Jimin however, the doorbell rang loudly. 

Yoongi rushed down the first floor and opened the door, only to find no one there. His eyes landed on a small envelope sitting on the ground. 

He hesitantly unfolded it, finding a short note inside. 

Yoongi's hands shook as he read and re-read the message

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Yoongi's hands shook as he read and re-read the message. 

J has met Jimin?!

His stomach churned.



Suddenly a small picture dropped out of the envelope, Jimin's face unmistakable as he smiled, unknowing that a photo was being taken in the distance. Bile rose in Yoongi's throat and he vowed he would protect the boy.

"You will not win this time J." Yoongi whispered menacingly, his words being carried away with the autumn wind. 

He will not let Jimin go.

>>oof the juicy stuff is coming soon...Stay tuned my wonderful readers! And don't forget to vote and comment! Your feedback really motivates me to write :3

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