~October 2nd~{Pt. 3}

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(I'm crazy for chicken nuggets don't judge me)

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(I'm crazy for chicken nuggets don't judge me)

>>Note: make sure to pay attention to times in this chapter:))

j i m i n: (2 hours later)

After two hours of aimless wandering Jimin had finally come across his destination.

Jimin finished checking his patient Yugyeom's vitals and sighed. The poor boy could not speak due to a large tube running down his throat, but his large doe eyes followed Jimin around the room as he cleaned up his equipment. 

It was quite uncomfortable really. Jimin loved conversing with patients and this eerie silence had him practically screaming. Only the uneven breathing of his patient and the IV slowly dripping fluids into his arm could be heard.

Jimin came to a sudden realization as he stood there in that cold sedated depressing room with a boy that was almost too far gone to even blink.

He missed Yoongi.

So much.

y o o n g i:

Two hours after Jimin had left, Yoongi finally decided to get up and start being a productive human in life. 

He turned off his phone and slowly got out of bed, stretching each limb and letting out a groan of annoyance. He would stay in bed much longer but he had to make his shift at the Brewtiful cafe which in fact, started in exactly 15 minutes. 

Yoongi opted to skip breakfast and instead get something small when he got to work. After taking a quick shower and throwing on a black turtleneck and some jeans he rushed out the door in a hurry. 

As yoongi drove through the empty and depressing side streets of Seoul he found his thoughts wandering to a certain person. A certain person who happened to go by the name Park Jimin. 

He honestly had no idea how he was going to make a move but he knew Jimin was far too timid to be the first so he had to think of something...

Movies? No, too cliche.

Walk in the park? no, It's cold outside...

"Ugh!" Yoongi slammed his fist against the steering wheel. He was completely horrible at coming up with ideas.  

He would just have to wing it.

Yoongi style.

9:00 am

As Yoongi pulled open the cafe door, the bell dinging obnoxiously, he noticed something odd.

There were no customers.

He looked at the schedule board and mentally facepalmed. 

The cafe opens at 10:00 today. He wasted a precious hour of sleep for absolutely nothing!

"I'll just sleep in the back room until ten." He quietly assured himself. However, Yoongi soon would wish that he had just turned back around and stayed put. 

He swung open the back room door only to be met with the embarrassing sight of Namjoon being pinned against the wall, his lips being fiercely attacked by none other than his boss, Kim Seokjin. However, that did not last long as the two men noticed a third presence in the room and hastily pulled apart, Namjoon trying to run away but tripping over a stray bucket in the process. The man scrambled to his feet and began running out of the room again as fast as his legs could carry him.

Yoongi however, was unfazed. 

"I'll just pretend I didn't see anything." He casually said and proceeded to lie down on the nearby couch and fall into a deep slumber. 

Jin just stood there with a shocked look on his angelic face. 

"What a strange man..." He murmured under his breath and quietly left the room.

1:00 pm

Yoongi was sorting one of the back cabinets when he witnessed the cafe door swing open and a familiar mop of pink fluffy hair peek through. Jimin grinned and hopped over to where Yoongi now stood at the counter. 

"I decided to be a bunny today!" Jimin explains, excitement flashing in his beautiful round orbs. Yoongi cooed at the sight and patted Jimin's head in a loving matter. Jimin leaned into the contact that was much needed after a long day at work. 

"Hard day?" Yoongi gently asked. Jimin replied with a simple;


"How about a caramel macchiato with extra sprinkles then?" Yoongi asked the boy.

Jimin nodded eagerly and proceeded to sit down in one of the many fluffy booths situated around the cafe. 

After Yoongi made the drink, making sure to place a variety of sprinkles on top, he made his way to Jimin who was waiting patiently. As he handed Jimin his drink, the boy looked up at him and asked;

"Would you like to sit too?"

Why the hell not, Yoongi thought. It was almost his break anyway, and not many customers were coming in at this time. He slid into the booth across from Jimin and stared at the adorable boy as he sipped his large sprinkle-filled beverage. 

"Hey Jimin?" He asked

"Hm?" Jimin looked up from his drink curiously.

A slight blush formed on Yoongi's cheeks but he carried on. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the amusement park with me," He asked.

Jimin smiled wide, his eyes becoming crescents.

"Of course!"

>>I hope you liked this short filler chapter. More Yoonmin to come in the next chapter!!!

Also, shameless self-promo:

Also, shameless self-promo:

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I started a new story!!!

It's Minjoon (sorry for all you Yoonmin fans) but I am really happy with where it is going!

It is a bit more mature tho (Stripper Jimin + Billionaire Namjoon au) 

I hope you guys will read it! I will probably be releasing the first chapter in a week or so.

I am honestly a bit more proud of it than Sprinkles rn, but we will see...

Anyway have a great day/night and don't forget to vote and comment! Every single one is greatly appreciated!❤


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