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[Absentia's POV]

It has been years since I had seen the outside of the Rainbow Factory. It has been years since I had seen the beautiful sky.

It has been years since I had felt freedom from... her.

Ever since they had fallen into corruption, they had destroyed Equestria, both inside and out. They first killed Celestia and Luna, then they locked up Shining Armor and Cadence, tortured Flurry Heart to the brink of insanity. I hear that she now works with Pinkie Pie to make her infamous cupcakes by helping to procure her "Special Ingredient". Apple Bloom was dragged into helping Apple Jack with growing the orchard, ensuring that the apples are the perfect shade of red in the only way possible. Sweetie Belle... well, from what I've heard, she's still getting cut up by Rarity. Zecora is trying to keep the Evergreen Forest safely out of the clutches of Fluttershy and her mysterious shed. Spike is now known as the right hand of our new tyrannical ruler, Princess Twilight.

And me?

I worked in the Rainbow Factory under the manager, Rainbow Dash herself.

I had been told before by many of the ponies that come in that I had personally known everypony I mentioned, but that's impossible. I've never been down there before. I was born in the Factory. With my purple mane and orange coat, I probably look like somepony else, but I think what makes me different, among other things, is my sweater.

It was originally a straight jacket that I had opened so that I could wear it like a normal sweater. Also, my mane was an overgrown mess and my coat had a few permanent splotches of Spectrum and... a very questionable red liquid (okay, you got me. It's blood).

I looked around the area outside of the factory I supposedly grew up in. If I timed it right, I would only have a few minutes before Rainbow Dash catches on and I'm turned into Spectrum. I flew faster and shot out of Cloudsdale (or whatever remained of the desolate city), heading for a hidden runes in the Evergreen Forest.


[Flurry Heart's POV]

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[Flurry Heart's POV]

I sat beside Pinkie Pie as she slowly tortured her new catch to make Ingredient. It always made bile rise up the back of my throat, but I swallowed it down and watched. Do not interfere, I told myself. Don't let her know that you are not as insane as she is. Just play along and it will be alright. Play along and you will survive.

I always mutter that to myself whenever she gets a new number. I don't truly understand the system and how it works, but when a pony's number shows up, we have to kill them for Ingredient. Sometimes it clashes with either Rainbow Dash or Rarity or even occasionally Apple Jack (rarer than diamonds, I tell you), but they all bow to Pinkie's System. She chooses the blood, as she is the most psychotic.

For example, right now, we have a turquoise unicorn with a lyre for a cutie mark (I think her name was Lyra or something, I dunno). Pinkie's busy joking around with her while torturously removing her organs. I bite back a sigh and do my "psycho smile" as I like to call it. I watch as the light leaves her eyes, saddened by the fact that I am so used to death that I no longer feel it. Pinkie sighs, saddened at the loss of her toy, before motioning for me to clean up and start the machine.

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