Part 1: Destroying the Rainbow Factory: Chapter 2

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[Absentia's POV]

I twitched uncomfortably as I watched the Bloody- Mane Six stared at all of us, trying to figure out what was going on. Flurry Heart flinched whenever Pinkie Pie did something or when somepony offered her a cupcake. Apple Bloom winced at the sight of the apples nearby Apple Jack. Sweetie Belle jerked back when Rarity grabbed the knife to cut a piece of cake. Zecora continually jumped whenever an animal approached Fluttershy. Spike scooted slightly away from Twilight, who was trying to study his transformation.

And Rainbow Dash and I? I just slightly curled against myself, keenly aware of my surroundings, but being subtle about it, while she tried to place me.

This was what our experiences have done to us. We could barely even be in the same room as them without remembering the damage that they had done to us. I sighed, knowing what would happen should we go through with this. Out of everypony here, I had the highest stake in this.

"Spike," I sighed, feeling like the vetoed leader. "We'd better start with an explanation. I don't think that they will know why we came back in time otherwise."

"But how ah we ganna do that?" Apple Bloom said, looking at the confused ponies.

"Well, we could probably tackle it one at a time," Sweetie Belle suggested.

"I agree with Sweetie Belle on that," Flurry Heart smiled slightly.

"All those who say we should tackle it one at a time?" Spike looked at everypony while the Bloo- Mane Six looked around confused. We all raised out hooves, Spike nodding.

"Well then," Spike looked between us. "What are we destroying first?"

"Rainbows," I flinched. "Cupcakes," Flurry Heart jerked back. "Apples," a tear fell from Apple Bloom's eyes. "Masochism," Sweetie Belle rubbed her hoof over her coat, probably trying to remind herself that her coat was clear of cuts. "Animals," Zecora looked down and sighed. "Or..." Spike shivered. "Tyranny?"

I looked between everypony, noticing that we were all scared. We had come so far, but there was so much we had to do. We didn't even know where to begin.

One step at a time...

I stood up slowly, feeling the weight of everypony's eyes on me, as if they each were adding to the weight I already bore. I walked up to Rainbow Dash.

"Firstly," I started. "We're bringing down the Rainbow Factory."


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"Where are they?" Twilight screeched, banging her hoof on the table.

Guards rushed around the throne room, frantically searching for their respective partners.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ABSENTIA!" Rainbow Dash shot through the palace, scouring the rooms.

"APPLE BLOOM! WHERE ARE YAH, SIS?" Apple Jack shouted, barging into the throne room.

"WHERE IS SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity screeched at one of the guards.

"ZECORA COMPLETELY SHIELDED THE FOREST FROM ME AND MY ANIMALS!" Fluttershy bristled, Angel twitching while sitting on her back.

"SPIKE IS GONE!" Twilight shouted, silencing all of the chaos of the workers of her palace.

"Who could have taken them?" Fluttershy mumbled.

"It probably was Discord," Rarity mumbled. "He was always one to-"

"NO!" Fluttershy shouted. "Discord would never... Not when I had done so much to-"

"To win him back after he refused to be with you because you lost your element of Kindness!" Apple Jack said bluntly.

"We all lost our elements the day we went whoo- hoo," Pinkie cut in, hooves in the air.

"That doesn't matter," Rarity said sharply. "Spikey-Wikey is missing and I had a new delight for him: a perfectly shaped ruby."

"He don't like yah thah way no more, Rarity," Apple Jack said sternly. "And Discord's not interested in chaos, Fluttershy."

"That doesn't explain what happened to Absentia," Rainbow Dash muttered, eying her friends. "She doesn't remember anypony anymore, so why did she disappear?"

"Something's going on," Twilight said finally, silencing everypony else.

"And we need to find out what."

At the ruins of Stonehenge

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At the ruins of Stonehenge

"Is everypony ready?" Starlight looked between them. Trixie nodded gravely, the scar on her muzzle giving her face a weathered aura. Discord subtly looked around before looking at Starlight, smiling slightly. Thorax straightened up, nodding vigorously.

They had changed a lot since the Mane Six became corrupted. Thorax had found a way to shrink his size to that of the average pony, changing his form to hide in plain sight. Trixie too had found a way to shift forms, as Starlight Glimmer had researched and modified a spell to help them all mimic the magic of the changelings. Discord remained the same, though he had toned down his level of chaos. He still enjoyed creating cotton candy clouds, but it only reminded him of how the six had been. Thorax noted all of their changes as he gazed between them.

"As ready as we'll ever be", he mumbled, before looking at everypony. They all turned to Starlight, watching as she concentrated, casting the spell. That was all that they saw before they were sent spiralling into darkness...

 That was all that they saw before they were sent spiralling into darkness

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A/N: I have no words...


Ah well...

Denograde out ;)

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