Part 2: Ruining the Cupcake Confectionary: Chapter 2

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(A/N: I laughed way too hard at that video. Probably because it's black comedy or something, but I don't think that I was supposed to laugh THAT hard)

 Probably because it's black comedy or something, but I don't think that I was supposed to laugh THAT hard)

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[Apple Bloom's POV]

I watched as Flurry pretended that everything was okay, even when we all could see that she was still bothered by her nightmare. Which was why, when we weren't trying to get her to tell us about what it was, we were just messing around and trying to get her to laugh. The most that we got was a shaky smile, but that was just about it.

It didn't stop Pinkie, the Element of Laughter that she had be- she was.

"C'mon, Flurry," Pinkie Pie said as she somehow hung from the ceiling. None of us will ever find out how she does stuff like this. "Won't you smile? Not even a little bit?" Props to Flurry for blankly staring at Ceiling-Walker Pinkie like it's a daily occurrence.

Seeing as she HAD been with Pinkie while she was... yeah, I'm not that surprised that she's not even phased by it anymore.

"Pinkie," Flurry said with a deadpan expression. "Get down from the ceiling. Right. Now."

"Nuh-uh," Pinkie replied as she defied gravity even further by bouncing up and down on the ceiling. "No can do. Not until you stop being such a sour-puss and smile a little."

"PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!" Flurry shouted, making all of us, Pinkie included, jump before Pinkie unceremoniously crashed onto the floor. "Much better."

We all snickered softly as Pinkie jokingly acted as if she was injured, mainly because we could see the amusement in Flurry's eyes, even as she helped Pinkie to her hooves.

Nopony besides us five saw the small smile on her face.

We all watched as the Blo-Mane Six sat together and discussed what they had to plan to do

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We all watched as the Blo-Mane Six sat together and discussed what they had to plan to do. Meanwhile, we all decided to take a walk around Ponyville and see how everything was...

Is? I dunno.

"C'mon, Flurry," I nudged her side as we walked down the streets of Ponyville. "Ya ain't gonna be able ta see all this again, so pay attention!"

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