Chapter 2

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Eva woke up to her alarm clock at 4:30 in the morning. Yes, weird to get up this early when she could sleep in until her father woke her up. She forces herself out of bed and walks over to her bedroom door, making sure it was shut and locked. She slips her shoes on, and grabs her blanket from her bed, walking over to her window. As quietly as possible, she unlocks and opens the window. The window opened outwards, so it was easy to just step down onto the roof which was only about a foot away. She sits down, making sure the blanket was underneath her, wraps the rest of the blanket around her, and looks to the mountains.

She sat there for about 5 minuets when, there, the sun peaked over the mountain top. She smiles, waiting for the sky to light up the land they hand. This was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. As time passed, the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. And before she even knew it, the sun was completely out of hiding, and was ready to shine bright for everyone to see.

It was so beautiful. Eva was so concentrated on the beautiful land, she was startled when she heard a knock on her door. "Eva, it's time for breakfast, wake up sweetie." Her father yells through the door. Eva stands up, and climbs into her room quickly. She shuts and locks the window as her father continues knocking.

"Okay, I'm awake." She does in the best tired voice as possible.

"Well, come down. Mom made your favorite; chocolate chip pancakes." Her father says.

"Okay. I'll be down in a minute. Just let me get dressed." Eva politely answers. With that, she hears her fathers footsteps walk away from the door. Eva hurry's and throws on some pajama pants. Her parents never approved of her wearing boy shorts to bed. She also threw on a t-shirt that she got from her dad growing up, and used for pajamas when she was little.

She takes off her shoes, keeping her socks on, and runs downstairs to eat. She walks into the wonderful smelling kitchen to her parents sitting at the table across from each other. "Good morning." I say to them as I sit down. 

"Good morning." Her mother says surprised that she was actually in a good mood. "How did you sleep sweetie?" She asks Eva, who was putting syrup on the two pancakes she had put on her plate.

"I slept well, and you?" She asks and then takes a bite of a pancake. Her parents looked at each other.

"We slept fine dear." Her father answers. They all start eating. Eva did seem to be in a good mood.

"Sweetie?" Her mom asks.

"Yes?" Eva replies and then takes a sip of her milk.

"Why are you such a happy person all of a sudden this morning?" Her mother asks.

"Oh," Eva says and sets her milk down. "I watched the sunrise. It was so beautiful, it just made the day a whole lot better." She answers. "You should do it one day." Her mother looks to her father who then smiles at the sight of his daughter finally happy. They all ate the rest of breakfast in silence.

"Eva." Her father says after she takes her dishes and puts them in the dishwasher.

"Yes?" Eva asks turning around to face her father.

"Before you do anything today, I want to you to unpack all of your belongings and get your room situated."  Her father orders. Eva turns back to the dishwasher. "Eva?"

"Yes sir. I will unpack." Eva says and then marches up to her room. She closes and locks her door. Going to her radio/CD player, she puts on some music loud, and starts to unpack. She started with her bathroom stuff, and put all that away in the bathroom as much as she could as she had it at the house before. The next box she started to unpack was all her clothes, which she either hung in her walk in closet, or put in her dresser. She still had about four more boxes of belongings to unpack.

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