Chapter 9

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Zayn holds his elbow out and escorts me to a small black car parked in the empty driveway, my parents cars parked in the garage. "It's not the best looking car, but it will do." Zayn says to her as he leads her to the passenger door. He opens the door for her and she gets in. As soon as Zayn is in the car and they are driving, Eva speaks.

"Why do I have a feeling you have something huge planned out for tonight?" Eva tells him.

"I don't know, why on earth would you think that I would do something like that?" Zayn sarcastically tells her. He smiles, and so does she. "And, it's not that big of a surprise."

"Well, I hope not. I didn't even think about doing something for you. Six months doesn't seem long enough to celebrate." She honestly tells him. Zayn stays quiet for a moment, and Eva worries a little. "Zayn?" She asks for his response.

"You want me to be honest?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course. Always." Eva answers.

"Okay." Zayn says. "I didn't expect you to do anything for me anyways. So, don't feel bad." He smiles. Sudden relief came over her. They kept on driving as the sun slowly went down. It felt like they had been in the car for hours, though, it was only 30 minuets.

"We almost there?" Eva asks, the feeling of her butt hurting was kicking in.

"Yes." Zayn answers. "Why, is your bum starting to fall asleep?" He teases her and pokes her in the side with his free hand.

"Yes." She says while laughing at the ticklishness of his poke. Eva looks at Zayn, who had the most amazing smile on. Soon, Zayn stopped the car, and they both got out. "Where are we?" It was a ilttle dark, but she could see shimmering lights from a building on the water. It looked like some sort of lake.

"Lister Park." Zayn answers. Eva stares at the scene Zayn brought her to. It was one of the most loveliest things she had ever seen. Zayn watches her with intent, loving that she was enjoying this already. "Come on." He interrupts her after a minuet. "There's more to see." She smiles to him, and takes his hand.

He leads her to the Mughal Gardens, and to a beautiful spouting fountain. As they walk to one of the other sides of the fountain, Eva sees a picnic blanket laid out, with a picnic basket. There were candles, not yet lit, in a fashionable order around the picnic basket and on the edges of the blanket. It looked gorgeous from even far away. Eva was speechless, and Zayn leads her even closer to thier destination. They sit down in a comfortable position on one end of the blanket. "So, to be honest, I'm not good with the whole picnic meal, so I did something super easy." Zayn admits.

"And what is that?" Eva asks, sure in her mind whatever he did she wouldn't care.

"I just went and got KFC, and then put it in the picnic basket." He says. Eva throws her head back laughing.

"That's great! I love chicken anyways. It's lovely Zayn, really it is." She says when she calms down a little from laughing so hard. She could see a look of relief come over Zayn. He leans over to the picnic basket, pulling an object out.

"But first, go stand over there." Zayn says to her, pointing to a small bench. Eva stands and walk over, jumping up onto the bench. The object from the picnic basket was a lighter, and Zayn lit all of the candles, and moves away towards Eva. A small tear escapes Eva's eye as she sees what the candles were from a higher point of view. He had made multiple hearts, and a row of candles were in order to say, "I love you." They were so well placed out, you couldn't tell that's what would have happened from eye level.

"Thank you Zayn." Eva says, realizing how much he has done for her. She felt a little upset inside, knowing she did nothing for him.

"Your welcome. Now, let's get our hands greasy while eating this delicious chicken." He tells her. A smile instantly reforms on her face and she jumps down from the bench and walk over to the blanket. They start to eat, talking about the silliest of things. "Do you remember the first words I said to you?" Zayn asks.

"Yes, how on earth could I forget!?" She tells him.

"Alright, what did I say then?" He asks seriously after wiping the grease from his lips with a napkin.

"Having troubles?" Eva answers with the first words Zayn ever spoke to her. "We were at the grocery store, and I couldn't decide what candy bar I wanted. And then your recommended me with a Kit-Kat, and you bought yourself one as well." She tells him, laughing slightly about how cheesy it kind of was.

"Yes, and then we went to the park and ate them together." Zayn says. "And then I found out, you snuck out of the house and needed to get home as soon as possible."

"And there was no way I was making it on foot. So you offered to give me a ride on your motorcycle." She says. Zayn pauses.

"Why did you get on the motorcycle with me? We had barley known each other for ten minuets. I was still pretty much a stranger." Zayn asks, very seriously.

"I don't know." She starts." I just trusted you I guess. And, well. It's weird never mind." She stops.

"No, tell me, I would like to know." He begs.

"I feel like I've known you my whole life. Life we've met before." She tells him and then looks in his eyes. His eyes looked like they got even darker, even in the candle lit light. His eyes normally were brown, but they looked pitch black. His arm started shaking, Eva could tell he was trying to hide it. "Zayn. You alright?" She asks.

Zayn groans a little, and looks down, away from her. He grabs one hand with the other and clutches them to his stomach. He was on his knees, and his head was on the ground. Breathing hard and shaking. Eva was not only worried about his safety anymore. She was scared for hers as well. It looked like Zayn was going to blow up. "Zayn." She says, almost as a whimper. His head shoots up to look at her. The veins popping out of his neck, his eyes completely black.

"Run." He says, and then groans really loudly.Eva didn't know what was going on, so she got up, and ran to the car. Almost there, she keeps looking back. She hears a loud growl, and she runs faster to the car. Once she get's there, she locks the doors, and lays down as flat as she could in the back seat.

She was frightened. Zayn was some sort of monster. And she didn't know what to do. She closed her eyes, and covered her ears, trying to block out every noise that could possibly scare her. Soon, she fell asleep, hopping that it was really all just a dream, and nothing happened.


 A little girl was running into her house. She was smiling big, like she just saw her favorite movie, or had just met her favorite Disney princess.

But it wasn't just any house. It was Eva's old house.

A small boy, who looked to be the same age followed her, yet she could not see his face. They jump on the sofa when they reach inside. "I'm six!" The little girl said.

"Me too!" The little boy tells her back. His face was blurry, and she wished she could see it. The two six year old's hug, and start to watch t.v.

Then blackness. A full moon. And a deathly sounding howl.

Eva hears a huge bang.


She sits up, awake. In the window in front of her stood Zayn. His hair messed up. The most tired less looking person in the world. Immediately, Eva remembered, and again had a scared feeling in her stomach. Zayn walked over to the drivers door, unlocked it, and got in. He starts the car, and starts to drive. "Where are we going?" Eva asks as strongly as her voice would let her.

"You saw. You know. You can't go back home." Zayn answers.

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