Chapter 10

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The drive was long. Longer than going from Eva's house to the park. And it was a very awkward drive too. Eva wanted to know so bad what had happened. She had so many questions that needed answers, but she was to terrified to ask Zayn anything. She was still in the backseat. To her side was the roses Zayn had givin her the night before. She picked them up, and studied them for a moment.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she desperately wanted to know what was going on with Zayn. It was defiantly not normal. Zayn could see her through the rear view mirror, and little did Eva know, tears fell down his cheeks too. Every time she went to speak, her limps trembled and her arms started to shake with fear.

Running away from him last night was terrifying. She thought she was going to be destroyed by the one she loved. But she had to get her cool back, and be strong if she ever wanted any answers. She takes a deep breath, calming her heart as much as she could. She looked out the window. Her surroundings did not look familiar at all. Zayn had been driving fast, most likely speeding.

Soon, Zayn slowed, because they had reached a small town. He drove into a gas station, obviously getting gas for the car. He parked and shut the engine off. Before he opened his door to get out, he turned back to Eva. She held her breath, trying not to be scared. He taking deep breaths were really helping her. "Stay in the car." Is all he said, and she knew he meant it.

He got out, and started to put gas in the car. Eva knew she needed to face him, and get her questions answered, otherwise she was just going to be terrified of him forever. She took another big breath, out loud this time, and climbed into the passenger seat. This was a start.

Not long after, Zayn get's back into the car. He had went into the convenience store and bought some chips and drinks. He handed the bag to Eva, without saying a word, and started the car. Again, they were on the road, driving. In complete silence. Eva still didn't have the will to talk. Though she tried so many times.

"You probably have loads of questions." Zayns says after a moment. Eva looks at him.

"Yeah. I do." She says. It was easier to talk to him when he spoke first she noticed.

"Well then. Ask away." He says. She pauses. One question that had really been bugging her for an answer came to her head.

"What are you?" She asks. She could see out of the corner of her eye Zayn's chest rise and fall with a deep breath before he answered.

"Do you remember when I came over to your house for dinner?"


"And we sat on your roof top."

"Yes Zayn I remember, what are you?"

"A werewolf Eva. But your not supposed to know." He says.

A werewolf.



"Yes?" She looks to him.

"Do you ever wonder if supernatural things are real?"

"Yeah. I wonder about it."

"Do you, uh, do you believe any of it is real?" He asks, still looking at her even though she was

"I think. Well I think that it could be real. That there is a chance, but, I don't know for sure if I believe vampires exist or not."

"There are other supernatural creatures other than vampires."

"Yeah, I know, they're werewolves too."


"Why am I not supposed to know?" She asks.

"Now that you know, you are in danger. And anyone you talk to other than me will also be in danger. You say one word to your parents, one word, they will be on a list to be killed." Zayn says. "That's why I'm not letting you go back. I have to protect you."

"From what Zayn? From what!?" She demands to know.

"There are others. Others like me Eva. I'm not supposed to let anyone know. I wasn't supposed to blow up like that last night, I didn't meant to!" He says.

"Why did you blow up Zayn?" Eva asks. She was completely serious.

"You reminded me of something." He says.

"I reminded you of what?"

"Your words reminded me. Of how my family died. This werewolf thing just happened one day. I changed, and I couldn't control myself. I was so young. I went crazy, and I killed my family. The first time I changed, I didn't recognize anyone. I didn't know who any of my family was. They were all just food or a threat to me. After I changed back, and realized what I had done, I ran. That's why I blew up." Eva just got a whole less scared of him.

He was emotional right now. Crying. A very caring person.

"Is that why you told me to run? Because you wouldn't have recognized me, and would have tried to kill me too?" She asks. There was a pause before he answered.

"Kind of, yes. Since the first time I've changed, I've learned a lot. How to recognize people, and remember them in my wolf form. I just didn't know if I was strong enough to remember you last night, because of the thought that set me off." He holds in more tears, and brings the car to a full stop on the side of the road. He turns to her. "I'm just trying to protect you." He says, almost in a whimper. He holds a finger up, as in 'give me a minuet,' and steps out of the car, slamming the door shut.

He paced back and forth, digging his feet into the ground hard. Eva looked at his eyes that went from brown, to darker, and then normal color. He was controlling himself. Controlling himself not to turn. Finally, he stops pacing, and leans against the car, his arms folded and crushed against his chest. He was like that for a good ten minuets before getting back into the car. "Zayn." Eva says. He looks at her. His eyes were a blue color, as if he was high off of drugs.

"Yes?" He asks in a calm voice.

"Your eyes. Their, blue." She says in a concerning voice. She knew what black eyes meant, but blue? What on earth could this mean.

"Blue eyes. It means I'm controlling myself so I don't change." He says.

"You look high." Eva says. Zayn chuckled a little.

"I've never gotten that before." He says, and they start to drive again. Eva was getting hungry and looked at the time. It was passed noon. She opened the chips Zayn had bought her.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Eva asks, realizing she really wans't all that scared anymore.

"I can't tell you where. But you'll see when we get there." He says.

"And when will we get there?"

"Soon. Before night. Unless I keep speeding like this, it might be a lot earlier." He replies. "Don't worry. You're safe with me. I promise, with my whole heart." He takes Eva's hand. "I will never hurt you. Ever."

Eva grips his hand tight, knowing he wouldn't ever purposely hurt her. "Here, want a chip?" Eva asks, holding a chip out to him. He opens his mouth, and she sticks the end in. Zayn bites down on it so it would all go into his mouth, making sure Eva's fingers were out of the way.

"Thank you love." He tells her. Eva looks out her window, and leans her head against the seat that was slightly reclined. She closed her eyes, trying to relax and remember everything that had happened that day. She tried to take everything in.

"My parent's must be worried sick." She says, her eyes still closed.

"Don't worry. They'll be fine." Zayn says. "You just can't talk to them." That part was a soft whisper.


Finally, we reach Zayn's destination. It was a cabin, high up in the mountain woods. Eva steps out of the car with a numb bum, and stares at the cabin. She could very well be spending the rest of her life alone with a werewolf who has a hard time controlling himself. She sighs, but she knows she will be fine. Zayn will protect her. And he'd never hurt her.

He promised.

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