Chapter 5

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It was about 5 at night. Zayn and Eva had finished cleaning everything on the list, and Eva forgot all about Zayn being weird. They were having some good laughs, and were watching TV. Eva knew he needed to leave before her parents got home, but that was distant in her mind. They were cuddling on the couch, paying attention more to the TV then anything.

"Sweetie, we're home!" Eva hears her mother say at the front door a couple rooms down.

"Shoot. Zayn, sneak out my back window upstairs." Eva tells him, knowing she was going to get in so much trouble for not telling her parents that a friend was over.

"I can't. They will already know I'm here because of my bike out front." Zayn whispers back. Eva's eyes get wide.

"Eva?" Her mom calls. Zayn follows to where her mom's voice was. When he turns the corner into the room her mom was in, she jumps, frightened for her life. Zayn did kind of look like a bad guy. Eva runs in after him, and Eva's dad was by her mom's side as well. Zayn looked them both in the eyes intently, as if he was taking their soul.

"Hi, I'm Zayn. Eva's friend. I live around here, and noticed she was raking leaves, so I decided to help her. You have a very sweet daughter." Zayn tells Eva's parents after the whole staring thing. Her parents smile.

"It's nice to meet you Zayn." Her mom said holding her hand out.

"Yes, very nice." Her father says, also shaking her hand. Eva puts a smile on her face. Her parents didn't seem mad at all. Zayn turns to Eva.

"I should probably get going." He says fiddling with his fingers. "Since we got everything finished that is." Eva looks into his eyes, not wanting him to go.

"No, come on, stay for dinner." Her mom said.

"We would love to have you." Her father said. Zayn turns back to Eva's parents.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, thank you." Zayn says. Eva's parents smile at him. Zayn shoots Eva a smile. Her parents go on to talking about what to eat for dinner, and Zayn looks to Eva.

"Thank you." She mouths to him. He smiles to her again.

"What do you think Zayn?" Eva's mom asks. Zayn looks to her.

"Oh, meat would be great. Any type, thanks." Zayn answers. Eva wondered how he even heard their conversation when she had know idea what they were talking about. Zayn turns back to Eva. "What do you think Eva?" He asks.

"Yeah. Meat sounds fine. With some potatoes." Eva tells her parents. "Uh, mom, dad?" She asks her parents. They both turn to her. "Can I give Zayn a tour of the house?" She asks.

"Yeah sure honey. We'll call when dinner is ready." Eva's mother said. Eva looks at Zayn.

"Okay, come on." She tells him and nods in the opposite direction of the kitchen. Zayn follows her into the living room where she quickly turns off the TV. She turns to Zayn. "Thank you." Eva tells him.

"Of course." He says and Eva gives him a hug around the chest. A second later, Zayn asks, "So, you can sneak out?" A smile forms on Eva's face. She lets go of him and starts going up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asks confused.

"Come on!" She tells him. A smile forms on his face as he runs up the stairs after her. She was at her doorway by the time he got to the top of the stairs. "Hurry up." She says, entering her room. He jogs after her, and enters her room, but she was no where to be seen. Zayn pauses, smells, thinks and then looks behind the door, scaring her.

"Ha, found you." He says. She laughs and closes her door, locking it right after. She walks over to her window, and shows Zayn where she snuck out from. "Nice." Is all he says. They both sat on the roof together, watching the field darken as the sun sets on the other side of the roof. "Eva?"

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