Chapter 14

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It had been a couple days since the new wolves had arrived. Eva still wasn't comfortable with the fact she had to be here away from her parents, let alone surrounded by dangerous creatures. But she hid it the best that she could. Instead of just sulking about not wanting to be there, she tried to think of the positive things that were there.

First off there was Zayn. And Luca, Curt, and Eli were all nice to hang out with. They were layed back, and most of the time tried to act as human as possible for Eva. Curt and Eva hung out the most out of the three though. Zayn was usually gone talking to the pack about something. Curt was a very funny, flirty guy, even though he knew Eva was already Zayn's mate. Flirting was just his personality. Damion was still always near to protect Eva when Zayn was gone, but after she started hanging out with Curt, he stayed at a distance.

Right now, Zayn was off talking to the top wolves of his pack. They were deciding who would take Zayn's old place. They had a whole voting thing going on; Eva was invited, but decided to hang out with Curt instead. Zayn still wouldn't let her roam around outside, so they were sitting inside on the living room couch. "Want to hear a joke?" Curt says after they finished eating some fried chicken.

"Yeah, let's hear it." Eva answers.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Interrupting cow."

"Interupt--" Curt cuts her off.

"Moo." Eva starts laughing. Yes, she admits it's a stupid joke, but she found the stupidest of things funny. Her life was just better that way. She laughed so hard, it made Curt start laughing as well.

"That was funny." She says after her laughter had calmed down, as well as his. Eva took a sip of water to moisten her mouth. "So, I have a serious question." She says, actually being serious.

"Yes?" Curt replies.

"What's with Marissa?" She asks. Curt turns away from her.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, she was giving me a bit of trouble a few days ago, and Zayn said that she was jealous. But he never said what she was jealous of." Eva tries to explain to him.

"Well. I'd need to get Zayn's permission to tell you that answer. It would be his choice." Curt says and then closes his eyes. He sits in silent for the longest time.

"Well?" Eva asks. "What are you doing just sitting here, go ask."

"I am asking."

"What do you mean your asking?"

"All the wolves in the pack have telepathy." He answers. "And I'm trying to ask Zayn, but he's busy so he's trying to push me out of his head." Eva was astonished.

"That is amazing. Well, could you try harder to ask him? I'd really like to know." Curt's eyes were closed, but he squeezed them shut harder, trying to concentrate. After a moment, he shook his head no.

"He won't give me permission to ask." Curt says opening his eyes. He look at Eva. "Sorry, I tried. But he is probably really busy with the whole voting thing that's going on."

"Yes, I suppose so." Eva says, this time she turns away.

"It's okay Eva, I'll try to ask again later, or you could ask him to tell you one night when he's not busy." He says. There was a moment of silence. And then Curt speaks again. "Hey, I've got a surprise for you." He says.

"A surprise?" Eva asks looking at him. He stands up with a smile on his face.

"Yup. A surprise. Come on, I'll show you." He says, and holds out his hand to help Eva up. She grabs it, and is pulled up by his strength. He lets go of her hand and heads out of the living room, into the kitchen, and out the back door onto the wrap around porch.  "Over here." He says, gesturing to the right.

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