Chapter 8

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Within the next six months, Eva and Zayn started dating, for sure, as in they both know. Eva took up the job offer at the flower shop, and had been earning money. Zayn and Eva spent most of the time together when she was not at work, and even then he visited her. Eva's parents thought Zayn was good for her. He helped her settle in their new home and feel welcome to the new town. Zayn still had his weird moments. One time he disappeared for three days, not contacting Eva. She was scared, and got really pissed when he came back.

And when he was back, he was sore everywhere, and was limping for the next week. He said he had crashed on his bike, but the bike was scratch-less.

Today was just a normal day for Eva. She had been at work since seven that morning, and it was almost time for her to get off. She looked at the clock, 2:00, about the time Zayn came in on Saturdays. She was at the counter, looking over her orders when she hears the bell from the open door. She looked up to see Zayn. Right on time.

"Ello love." He says when she looks to him. She couldn't help but smile.

"Hey babe, what you been up to today?" Eva asks, as she stands up right. He leans in and pecks her on the lips as another hello to her.

"Just been around town. You know, just catching up with people." He says. She gives him a 'I caught you lieing' stare.

"Babe?" She says. He looks at her.

"Yes?" He asks.

"You don't talk to anyone in town. So you said when we first started dating." She says.

"Well, shh. You didn't hear anything." He says. "But hey, is Nicole around?" He asks. As if on cue, Nicole walks in from the back room with a ready order of flowers. "Oh, hey Nicole. I need to talk to you." Zayn says. Nicole looks at him from behind the flowers.

"Oh hey Zayn. Yeah just give me a minute." She says and walks up to Eva. "These go to a mister Jasper Hues when he walks in. I already called him." She tells Eva, handing her the flowers. Eva gently takes them and puts them on the counter next to her. "Zayn, you needed to talk? In private I imagine since your not talking to the other person working?" Nicole smiles. 

"Yes ma'am." Zayn says and follows Nicole to the back room. Eva wondered what Zayn was up to now, he was a very mysterious man, so Eva stopped trying to figure out what he was doing. In the backroom, Zayn starts talking to Nicole. "So, today is Eva and I's 6 month anniversary, and I want to do something special for her. And flowers are on my todo list, and I kinda can't order flowers from her." He says.

"Aw, congratulations. And yes, what flowers?" Nicole laughed giddily, and waited for Zayn to answer. It wasn't even her anniversary and she was a bit too happy.'

"A dozen roses. Blood red." He answers. She nods.

"I'll do it." Nicole answers. And they both head back up to the front of the store. Eva was still confused about what was going on. "Eva, I have to make a quick call, will you please take over for me for a second."

"Yeah, I could do that." Eva says. She turns back to Zayn. "So what was that about?" She asks.

"Oh, nothing. Listen, I have to go. I have some more things to do. Bye." He says and pecks her on the lips agian.

"Bye." She tells him as he leaves the store. About five minuets after Zayn left, Eva's husband walks in. "Hey how're you? Need Nicole?" She asks.

"No, i'm getting her flowers." He says. "A dozen blood red roses?" He asks.

"Will do sir. I'll call you when their ready." She says. And he gives her the money.

"Oh, and don't tell Nicole I stopped by." He says. Eva smiles and nods.

"Yes sir." She says.

It was almost the end of her work hour, she had about ten minuets left. Nicole had finished the roses, knowing who they were really for, and Eva called her husband to come and get them. Once he had them, he gave them to Zayn without Eva knowing. "Hey sweetie, you can go now. I'll finish up." Nicole says. "Analeece will be here soon."

"Alright." Eva says and starts getting ready to leave. She grabs her belongings, and starts outside. She pulls out her phone to text Zayn.

Hey, Nicole let me out early, come get me? -Eva

Eva looked up to the sky. Grey clouds came in. It was almost about to rain. She looks down the streets. It was quiet, not a sound of Zayn's bike to be heard. The clouds blocked out the sunlight. The town started looking dark, and Eva could feel a raindrop on her nose. She looked up, and then her phone vibrates. Zayn was calling her.

"Hey." She answers.

"Hey sweetie, I can't come pick you up, can you call your parents?" He asks her. His voice sounded like he was busy at the moment.

"Yeah. Thanks anyways. Can I see you again tonight? Or are you busy all day?" She asks.

"I'll see you around six love." He assures her.

"Okay. Can't wait."

"Me either. Bye."



Later that night, about an hour before six, Eva gets a text from Zayn. She knew it was their six month with him, but she didn't really think six months was that special, and she didn't think Zayn would either. She was waiting for their one year mark.

Hey, I'm going to be there at six. -Zayn

I"ll be waiting. :) -Eva

She was downstairs with her parents watching T.V She looks up to her parents who weren't really paying attention to whatever it is they were watching, but paying more attention to each other. "Hey mum?" Eva asks her mother when both of them stopped talking for a moment. Both her parents look across the room to her.

"Yes?" Her mother replies.

"Zayn is coming to get me at six." Eva tells her to make her aware of her plans of that night.

"Alright." She says.

"He knows the rules and everything." Eva's father says, hinting at the rules of being home on time and other protective issues he has. Eva walks up to her room to get ready before Zayn got there. She had already taken a shower right after she got off work, so she went straight to her closet. Ever since she got a job, she had money which she used some of it on new clothes. She picks out some black skinny jeans, not too tight, with rips in the thighs. She grabbed a dark grey undershirt that said, "Do what you love" on it. She grabbed her leather jacket, and her black hightop converse.

After she get's dressed, and made sure her hair and make-up were fine, she heads downstairs, sitting on the bottom step. She looked at the time. Zayn should be here any minuet now. She hears footsteps, and looks up. Her mom was walking past her to the kitchen with an empty glass in her right hand. "Zayn still coming? You look sad." She says. As if on cue, the doorbell rings. Eva stands up. "You know curfew." Her mom says as she walks away.

Eva walks to the door, slipping her phone in her back right pocket. She opens the door to see Zayn standing there with a bouquet of blood red flowers. Eva realizes that they were the flowers Nicole's husband supposedly bought for her. Nicole knew who they were really for. Eva smiles. She was wrong. He was celabrating their six month.

"Hey." He says, handing her the flowers. She felt her eyes water a little.

"Hey." She says back, taking the flowers from him gently. "Thanks." She couldn't hold back anymore, and she wraps her arms around him, giving him a huge hug. She look at him and then kisses him on the lips.

"Come on." He says when she lets go.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

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