Chapter 13: You're Drunk

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Song: Free Animal - Foreign Air

The Saturday after the end of classes for the year, Kali and Avalon pulled me out of my Netflix fort to go to a party. They told me that it was going to be only a select few seniors but upon arrival, we were all shocked to see at least fifty students of all levels, age and popularity. Avalon instantly dove into the crowd and began drinking whatever she found in a cup but Kali and I had a more reserved approach.

We're sitting together in the back of a room, watching other people make fools of themselves. For instance, I've seen at least three guys get rejected more than once. I have to hand it to them though, they sure are persistent. Kali taps my leg to get my attention, when I turn to her, she's stood up.

"I'm gonna go get another drink and see if I can find Avalon. Do you need anything?" She asks loudly over the music pulsing through the air. I squint my eyes to see her through the dim lighting as if that would help me see her better. It does make sense though, I'm a very skilled lip reader so even if I couldn't hear her, I'd b able to see what she was saying... I retract my previous statement, squinting my eyes did help.

"Entertainment?" I yell back jokingly which she smiles at.

"Are you not entertained?" She asks while gesturing to all the idiots stumbling and dancing around, some half naked and some completely lost in another's body movements. I watch a girl mistakenly fall into a boys arms and a few moments later, he's taking her upstairs. I wouldn't call this entertainment but it sure has my attention captive.

"I guess. When do we get out of here?" I ask just before allowing her to leave. She shrugs and looks over to see Avalon flirting with some guy. Through the dim light it's hard to see who she's talking to but as I look longer I recognise the face as Ethan's.

I suppose one could say that I'm shocked to see him here. He's only been at school for what, a week? It's astonishing that he got invited to a party of this nature. As far as I've seen none of the, to put it as nicely as possible, unattractive people are here. Lily and Connor seem to be the hosts of the party but to be honest, I don't even know whose house this is. I look at some pictures of a family behind me on a cabinet but I don't recognise anyone in the photos. That's crazy that I'm in someone's house that I've probably never met although I've been in crazier situations. Such as dating a teacher at the school everyone in this house attends. We've been officially dating for a week but it feels like no time has elapsed yet also like we've been in each other's arms for decades.

Avalon's gaze lands on me and she invites me over to her and Ethan with a sloppy motion of her arm. Chuckling to myself and throwing cation to the wind, I down the rest of my drink and stare at the bottom of my cup before walking over to Ethan and Avalon. Ethan takes me in his sight and smiles.

"You look great." He compliments and holds the sleeve of my jacket in order to move my arm to see more of my outfit. Finding it odd but not concerning, probably because of the stinging in my mouth from the alcohol, I allow him to look me over with a smile on my face. Avalon's hand on his arm is the reason he stops.

"That's enough looking Ethan, she's already told you she's not interested. Which is a shame 'cause you guys would make cute babies." Avalon comments, finding it amusing. I look at hr and give her a scolding glance but she shrugs and laughs it off. I notice Ethan's laughter and look him over, his eyes are still glued to me.

"I agree." Now that I find creepy. My eyebrows connect in disapproval and I scoff. I've tried really hard to accept Ethan into my friend group but he makes me so uncomfortable that it's impossible. I should tell Elizabeth about this later, she'd love to hear about this. "Why are you smiling?" Ethan's nasty voice pulls me from my thoughts. Ha, I never thought of him as nasty but that's a perfect word to describe him! I should use it more... oh yeah he asked me a question.

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