Chapter 18: Anticipation

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Song: Empress - Morningsiders (this has nothing to do with the chapter I just listened to it while writing)

I woke up at 9.30 today. Thank god it's spring interim and I don't have school this whole week. Monday's were never my favourite day of the week but today holds excitement. Due to Elizabeth losing the bet she made in class, she has decided to uphold her end of the deal and take me on a trip. She texted me on Saturday to let me know that I should pack for chilly weather and a lot of walking.

Those two things could mean she's taking me almost anywhere. I don't expect much from this trip and mostly, I'm just happy that I get to spend time with her away from my cramped house full of secrets. Holding in all my compassion for Elizabeth is starting to weigh on me and I feel like I can't be myself around anyone except her at the moment. I have to lie when Avalon confronts me about Elizabeth's behaviour towards me and it hurts that I can't be giddy about my emotions around my friends. They continue to discuss their most recent love escapade and I have to hold Ethan's sweaty hand in silence.

He's insisted on taking me out today. Of course I texted Elizabeth just to make sure her plans didn't start today. If I'm honest, I sort of wanted her to say that I couldn't go with him but she said it doesn't interfere with her plans so I'm stuck going with him. I asked him if it would be better than fast food and he said it was way better and apologised for the last date. I politely responded that the last date was perfectly fine and I'm a fan of his unconventional dating methods; a complete lie.

Now, I'm getting ready for his surprise date and based on the last time, I'm not trying very hard with my outfit. I've got on some black high waisted skinny jeans and a pastel dyed t-shirt that I've cropped just above my belly button. I finish this outfit with black booties on my feet and simple mascara brushed over my eyelashes. I have to admit, I look pretty hot but I could do a lot better than this.

My phone rings and I pick it up off my bed and answer after seeing Ethan's contact picture over the screen.

"Hello?" I say with a questioning tone. I look at the clock on my nightstand just to make sure I'm not late or something. Nope, I've still got 20 minutes until the time we agreed on.

"Hey baby, I just wanted to let you know that you should bring some cash with you. I don't get paid until Wednesday and I don't have enough for the both of us." I silently roll my eyes and look around my room before responding. What kind of person says "it's on me" and then calls the day of saying "nevermind, I'm broke."

"It's fine, you're just lucky I don't find you absolutely repulsive or I'd call off the date." I say with a smirk although no one can see me. I find myself quite funny and cover my mouth to muffle a laugh.

"Yeah, I sure am a lucky individual. I'll see you in half an hour babe." He says with a laugh and before I can tell him he's going to be late if he shows up in 30 minutes, the line goes dead. I sigh to myself and toss my phone back on the bed while I make my way back to the bathroom to continue getting ready. I pull my hair up into a slightly messy ponytail and pull a black scrunchie over the hairtie to make it look nicer.

Sure enough, thirty minutes later, Ethan is honking outside my house and I tell my parents that I'll be out with Ethan. It's about 3.40 and I let them know that I'll probably be back by 5 when they ask when I'll return.

Ethan is standing next to an open passenger door and his eyes roam my body, making me feel uncomfortable. I smile at him and kiss his cheek as I pass his body to get into the car. He closes the door behind me and jogs around the front of the car to reach the driver's side.

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