part 2

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Warning: you are going to need tissues to read this chapter.

What he heard next made his heartbeat stop...
He heard someone's muffled cries "stop.... please leave me"
He immediately recognized it to be sanyukta's.
Without any second thoughts he pushed the door ajar and went inside.

The screams were coming from the room at the corner. He ran towards it anticipating what must be happening inside.

He opened the door with trembling hands and what he saw brought tears to his eyes.

His love was lying there lifelessly crying and pleading to the man on top of her to leave her. While the man was paying no heed to her pleads and was busy in grazing onto her cleavege.
Her clothes were all torn from the shoulders and chest area.

Anger rushed in randhir's veins seeing her in pain and immediately took long strides towards the bed. He pulled the man up holding his collar and pushed him backwards.

The man was shocked beyond wits and tried to strike back but was showered with continuous punches and kicks.

Randhir was continuously shouting "how dare you? How dare you touch her? I will kill you..."

Finally after few minutes when he was almost half dead randhir left him and turned his attention to sanyukta who was still lying in the same position- her face drenched with tear all tired, her upper clothes torn and all visible parts filled with animalistic hickeys.

Randhir cringed at her condition and closed his eyes. He then composed himself for her, looked around and found a shawl to cover her. He picked her up, took her towards his car and drove to his home.

After reaching there he saw his mom sitting on couch of the hall busy on a call. As soon as she saw him, she disconnected the call. Seeing their condition she guessed the situation and decided to keep quite for now.

Renuka was a social worker who worked for the empowerment of girls. They were rich and lived in a big mansion.

Randhir took sanyukta upstairs to his room laid her on the bed properly and covered her with the quilt.

He left the room and came back to the hall. As soon as he came to his mom he hugged her tightly and started crying like a lost baby.

He kept his head on her lap and hugged her by her waist. Renuka understood his situation as she knew how much her son loved sanyukta and she was really happy for them. But right now seeing her son in this condition was unbearable for her.

"Mom see naa how much pain she is going through. I will not leave anyone who gave her pain. I was going to propose her today mom" randhir chanted crying hard.

"I understand beta but u have to stay strong now for her. If u will fall weak who will take care of her" said renuka wiping his tears.

He looked at her with so much vulnerability that made her cry but she controlled herself.

"I'll go and change her clothes and will call the doctor till then u call the police"

Here goes part 2.
Hope you liked it..
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Poor sanyukta😭😭😭

Stay tuned to know how she landed in such a situation.

Thank you for reading!!!!

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