part 12

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A bit of mature content ahead read on your own risk.( though I know very well that nobody gives a damn about this warning😛😛)

They broke the hug and looked into each others eyes with all the love. They remained in the same position for few minutes before randhir broke the silence "so you like it when I come close to you" he said teasingly.

Sanyukta just blushed hard and looked down then nodded slightly. He again pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately. His hands were caressing her waist and back while her hands found their way towards his nape.

The kiss went so rough that her knees felt like jelly and she was finding it difficult to stand so she clutched his shoulders tightly. Randhir understood it and broke the kiss momentarily but didn't loose the contact of their lips. He whispered huskily "I think we should continue this in the room"

With this he smacked their lips again and picked her up in bridal style. On reaching his room he settled themselves on the bed with him on top of her.

All the while sanyukta had her eyes closed and was just feeling the moment. They broke the kiss when completely out of breathe and he moved down to her neck.

He showered her neck with kisses and love bites specially on the places where she had old marks he gifted her with new and beautiful ones.

Her fingers were busy in caressing his hair while one of his hands went to her back resting on the zip of her dress. He urged her to open her eyes and asked looking in them,"are you sure sanyu this is a big step. I don't want to rush things and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable "

Sanyukta just smiled at his care for her. Today his respect has risen ounces in her eyes. She said,"I have never been more sure randhir"

Randhir felt elated seeing her trust on him. He pulled the zip half way down and rested the dress just above her belly. He stared at her beauty and then dipped his face in her valley. He nibbled her skin there and placed a few hickeys.

He slid down the strap of her inner wear and kissed her shoulders and collarbone. Her moans were his cue to move further. He didn't leave a single inch of her skin untouched.

Then sanyukta turned and laid on her stomach giving him a nice view of her flawless back. He kissed her nape and moved downwards towards her back. His hot breathe fanned on the hook of her bra.

He clutched it with his teeth and unhooked it in one swift making it loosen around her frame. He kissed the whole exposed part of her back while her hold on the bed sheet became tighter.

He then turned her back to face him. Her hands were clutching the bra tightly in order to hide herself due to shyness. Randhir kissed her deeply so as to make her feel comfortable.

Her hold on the inner loosened as she lost herself in his kisses. His hand went towards her boosoms and threw the bra away. He started caressing her swells and deepened the kiss more if that was even possible.

She moaned in between the kiss as he entered her mouth. Her hands worked on his shirt buttons and she removed it in one go at the floor welcomed it. He then moved to her bosoms and started kissing them.

He licked her right nipple and while his hand played with the other one. He kissed, sucked, licked and bit both of her boobs to his full appetite. He placed many love bites all over her breasts. Her moans only got louder and her back arched.

She came on top of him and kissed him allover his face. She lowered to his well built chest and placed hickeys there. She bit his manly nipple which caused a groan to escape his mouth.

She kissed his neck, chest and abs till she wished and loved the way he moaned for her sexily.

He again took her under him and kissed her forehead. "I never knew you had such a wild side also." To which her face turned red and she his her face in his chest.

He rested his head in the crook of her neck and whispered softly "you're tired let's sleep now"

"Hmmm..... I love you randhir."

"I love you too"
With that they slept in each other's warm embrace with a content smile on their lips.

CH 12 had something different for you. Right?
Did you want them to go further??

Am really sorry if you didn't like it as it was my first time writing such scene. Give me your feedbacks I'll definitely try to improve.

Thanks for reading...
Stay tuned!!!

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