part 3

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Renuka went to his room. She felt very sad for sanyukta as she was always very fond of her and knew how many problems she had faced earlier. There were things that even randhir didn't know and sanyukta shared with her only as she saw a glimpse of her late mother in renuka.

She wiped her tears which had unknowingly started dripping from eyes. She changed her into fresh clothes.

The doctor reached till then, gave her injection and applied antiseptic on her wounds.

All this while randhir wasn't at home as he had gone to her home with the police and got that man arrested who was still lying their in pain.

He almost forgot about her father who was missing the whole while.

He reached home late at night. He was welcomed by his mom.

"What happened?" Asked renuka.
"The man is not in the condition to speak so we have to wait for him to gain consciousness"

"Hmm... Don't worry everything will be fine. The doctor has given her the medicines and told me that she will gain her senses till morning. Now please go and take some rest you are a really exhausted"

"How can I sleep mom, when she's in so much pain"

"I can understand randhir but u need to be fit for taking care of her now go please."

He knew it was useless arguing with his mother so he silently went to his room.

He saw her sleeping figure. Even in sleep she was holding the quilt to her chest tightly to save herself, her face was pale and her forehead creased.

He sighed painfully and settled himself on the couch. Sleep was far away from his eyes. His mind was occupied with her thoughts he turned around and stared at her. All he could think about was - how she landed in that condition?? Who was that man?? What would have happened if he hadn't reached on time???

All these thoughts made him restless and he eagerly waited for morning so he could talk to her as now only she could answer his queries. He didn't knew when his tired eyes gave up amongst all these thoughts and drifted into the most uncomfortable slumber.


Sanyukta's POV

A man came inside my room with his gaze running all over my body and slowing down near my assets it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to run far away from there. The only name that came to my mind was of randhir wish he was here to save me from this beast.

I came out of my reverie when I felt his filthy hands running from my neck and went downwards to brush against my swells. I immediately jerked his hand away from myself which I guess angered him as he pushed me onto the bed very next moment and hovered me. He tore my kurti and I tried to hide myself with my hands but he held them tightly above my head and his one hand closed my mouth.
I was feeling immense pain in my wrists and just above my chest where he was biting me mercilessly.

Sanyukta's POV end


She jerked out of sleep shouting and crying on top of her voice. She brought her knees close to her chest and dipped her head in her hands.

She felt a pair of arms holding her but she quickly jerked them off her and looked up but much to her surprise and relief it was randhir with tears in his eyes. She immediately flew into his arms and started crying bitterly.

Here goes part 3.
Thanks for reading.
Please don't kill me for this part but for immense happiness one has to go through pain first.

I can assure u that everything will be fine soon.
Stay tuned!!

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