Chapter 5

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Jason's pov

"Just warning you, she's gonna hurt like a motherfucker the next few days." Andy says. I stare at her unconscious body worried. "H-How bad?" His eyes go wide. "I forgot. You didn't go through the changing since your parents.... Oh shit this is gonna suck. Jase maybe you should take a break while she goes through this. It's gonna drive you bat shit crazy!" "Why?! What are you talking about?!" "Andy's right, Jason. She's going to be in agonizing pain. Plus you've been through hell. You need a load off." I stare at her debating. She twitched. What the heck? What's gonna happen to her?! "No. When she wakes up, she'll want a familiar face. No offense guys but she doesn't know you well enough it'll freak her out." I shakily bend down beside her. "How bad... Does it hurt?" I ask worriedly. "It's excruciating. I highly reccomend-" "I'm not leaving her!" Everyone goes quiet. Mostly because I've never raised my voice to George or cut him off. No one has. I scoop her up, her head lulled to the side, exposing her neck and the two fresh wounds Andy put in her. I take her back to my room and lay her on the bed. "Mama..." She whispers. "I had the strangest.... No... I found him mama... I really did this time." Poor girl. "That was no dream honey." I think to her. Her eyes snap open. Instantly fearful. She shakily sits up, her eyes never leaving me. She hisses in pain and grabs her throat. "How... How could you?!" "I had to!! I couldn't lose you! Not again!" She glares at me enraged. "Apparently when you became a vampire you lost your humanity. The Jason I know and love never would've done that to me!!" My chest feels tight. "It was selfish what you did. Turning me against my will for your own gain. That's selfish." I sigh. "You weren't allowed to go home. George wouldn't let you." 

Miranda's pov

I was about to say something when searing roaring pain slammed into me in a never ending torrent!! I screamed louder than before and felt arms wrap around me. I don't care. The pain is all I was focused on and it was mind numbing. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. "Make it stop!" I screech, clenching my fists so tight, my nails cut into my palms. 

Jason's pov

Her hands are cut from her nails. "AHHHH!!" I grit my teeth and hold her tight, wishing I could stop her pain. The door opens. "Jason set her down." Ty says. I shakily do that. He had a knife. "Wait w-what are you-" "I've got to." He says gently. "Trust me. It'll help with the pain. Part of the changing, her body is drained of her blood. To help, I'll just cut a slit on her." "But won't that scar her?" He sighs and nods. "Don't worry. It'll be alright." She's writhing in pain, eyes shut tight and sweet dripping down her face. Thats when I notice blood pouring out her eyes, nose, and ears. He grabs her arm and slits a cut in her shoulder. He does the same in her other shoulder. "What am I to expect during the changing?" I shakily ask. "Stage one. The blood. Stage two, she'll be super sensitive to light and sound, her vision will probably be impaired. Stage three, she'll be super itchy like bugs crawling all over. Not to mention, the whole time through all the stages she'll be suffering burning pain throughout her whole body constantly." I feel like I'm gonna throw up. "I'm so sorry." I whisper. "Stage four she'll start craving blood. George will train her to control her blood lust. Don't worry." "I feel so bad." He pats my back. "Don't feel bad. This wasn't your fault. Look at it this way, you found your eternal lover." My hands freeze. "Yeah if she doesn't hate my guts when she wakes up." "She can't hate you forever." I force a worried smile. "You don't know her like I do, Ty. She can hold a grudge." I say sighing. He leaves. She screams again from the pain. Her eyes open, blood rolling down her cheeks. "Jason.." She whimpers. "It.... Hurts so.... Bad.... I can't.... Take it." "I know honey but it'll be over soon." I say, placing a wet rag on her head. "I'm.... Dying." "Well technically you're undying." She shoots daggers at me. "Shut up, prick." I sigh. "Please don't hate me! It's not like I wanted to!" "This is agonizing!" She whimpers, blood pooling all around her. Oh goodness. My stomach churns. I pick her up and take the sheet off. "Jason?"

Miranda's pov

He leaves the room. I can't stand this pain. It's only gonna get worse. I pull out my blade. "I can't do it." 

Jasons pov

I wipe the blood from my chin as Jamie opens the door, scaring the bejeesus out of me. "What are you-" "Nothing! Don't come in here!" I gasp worried, trying to hide the sheet. But she's already seen it. "Drop it now!" She says. I do. "How could you?! You're gorging yourself while that girl you claim to care about so much is in agony! You march your butt back in there right now!!" Damn she's pissed. "I... I... I was... I just.... Ya know... I didn't want it to go to waste." "Stop. Just go. I'm very fussapointed in you." Jeez. "Jamie that's not even a word." "I made it up. It's a cross between disappointed and fussed." I sigh. "What are you gonna do with-" "Never mind that." I  reluctantly go back to the room. She's got a knife. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "I CAN'T TAKE IT!! I CAN'T!" She screams. I grab it, instantly burning my hand but not giving a damn. I drop it on the floor when my hand starts to smoke. "Kill me." She begs. "No!" I say, hitting my knees. "Please!" She begs in tears of blood. I wipe it away. "I can't.... Kill you. I need you." "It hurts so much." She falls unconscious. I lay my head on the edge of the bed, regretting everything. I shoulda taken their advice of leaving. I can barely tolerate seeing her in so much pain. And it's only going to get worse. I know it is. Jamie walks in. She gave me her I'm ticked at you glare. I sigh I lay my head back. "Please no lectures, Jamie. I'm going through hell enough as it is." "You aren't going through hell. She is." She says sitting beside me. "All because of me." She hugs me. "It'll all be over in a little while. It'll be okay." "She begged m-me to k-kill her." "Oh God your hand!" "Sh-She had a knife! I had to stop her and it was silver." She sighs. "What am I gonna do with you?" She says shaking her head with a smile. She embarassingly kisses my forehead and stands up. "God dammit Jamie I'm 18 why do you do things like that?!"  "And I'm 2,178. What's your point?" She says with a smile and a wink. I roll my eyes with an annoyed groan. "I'll go get something for your hand." I nod and lay my head on my knees, hearing her painfilled whimpers behind me.

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