Chapter 11

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Jason's pov

*a few days later*

"So looks like I'm gonna teach you how to hunt?" "I thought you already did." She says, scrunching up her face in that cute little way she always did as kids when she was confused. I smile and watch her. "That was the immature way. Now I'll show you the professional way." I love looking at her. Man those six years were more agonizing than I thought being separated from her. Who knows? If Andy didn't find her, I might have gone an eternity! I shudder at the thought. "Come on." "I think I like this more than I thought I would." She says. "Or do you just like being here with me?" "Of course." I hold her hand. "Make it a big one, Jase I'm dying." Andy whispers as we walk out. I roll my eyes. "Weirdo." "What is with that guy?" "He's a bit of a loose cannon." I say, shrugging. 

Miranda's pov

He puts a finger to his lips. We sneak down a backyard. The guy sat in a lawn chair. "How do you hypnotize people?" "All ya gotta do is look into their eyes. They'll do whatever ya say." He murmurs distrctedly. He glances back at me and smiles. "Gosh dog, I love that you're here." I blush and look away. "Um Jason we've gotta do this." I say pointing. He turns red.  "Right. You're distracting." I laugh. "I didn't do anything." He shrugs and goes back to stalking the guy in a lawn chair. Wow he's skilled. Then again he's been doing it for six years. It's hard to imagine. The little boy that used to play karate with me is now a stalking killer. While I'm pondering, he walks back over, with the guy in tow. "Let's get back home." He whispers. "How do you guys not get caught? Or how do people not get suspicious when folks go missing?" He shrugs. "They get suspicious but they've never caught us." "Lucky. But... How much longer... Are you gonna get away with it?" "For as long as we can, I guess." "Well then what are we gonna do?" He sighs. "I don't know." We get back home. "Dinner!" Jason shouts. 


Jason was reading a magazine after I got out of the shower. I lay beside him tiredly. "What's on your mind? You've been worried looking since we got done feeding." I sigh. "That's probably the only thing I dislike about the whole being a vampire." He smiles. "Well, With great attribute, comes even greater sacrifice." I look up at him confused. "What the hell?" He stuffs his face in the magazine. "Jason-" "It's just something George would say when I first started out." He says sighing and lowering the magazine. "But what does it mean?" He chuckles. "Well the living forever that's the attribute. Drinking blood that's the sacrifice." I sigh. "I'm sleepy." I whisper, cuddling against him. I feel his arm wrap around me as I close my eyes. 

Jason's pov

I'm torn about this. Half of me is thrilled I'll be spending eternal life with the girl I love. But the other half feels awful for causing her so much pain and completely changing her life. For the worse I think. I don't know for sure though. Maybe I should just stop thinking about it. "Yes you should it's giving me a headache." My eyes widen, my hand on her back. "Get outta my head. George'll nail your butt if he finds out you're doing that." "Why?" I roll my eyes. "He's really strict on the whole don't use your powers irresponsibly." I say. She cuddles closer, nuzzling her head in my neck. I smile. I can't help but be happy, glad for the way things played out. I am so tired. 

*in his dream*

We were ten again. "Learning karate." I whisper, remembering. "Whoa." She bows in front of me then gets ready to fight. I bow too, then realize I'm in my old karate uniform. So many people. My mind freezes. Mom... Dad... My heart pounds again, fast with fear. I'm shaking. "Jason are you okay?" She's so small again. "I... I'm...." Suddenly I can hear everything and I know my vampiric tendencies have kicked in. My heart stopped beating again, I can hear the blood rushing. The vibrant sound in my ears giving me a headache. "Jason?" She's so worried about me. She doesn't realize how dangerous I am right now. I take a step back, not wanting to hurt her and I bump into some guy in the crowd. Just that small contact is enough to send me into a blind bloodthirsty rage. 

*he wakes up* 

I wake up, my body drenched in sweat, fear coursing through me. "I can't do that." She's still asleep. I shakily stand up, looking at myself in the mirror. Nothing like when I was a kid. Before everything. My hair is darker and longer, my skin ashen, my eyes dark red and of course my fangs. God I hate what I've become. I hate what I look like. I look like a monster. My blood lust is ravaging through me too. It does that when I'm scared. But I can't take it. I've got to feed. My body is burning. I stumble out the door, falling to my knees. "Gaaahh!! I can't take it!!!" I hear a door open. "George!!!" My head is pounding. I feel a hand on my arm. "Get offa me." "You can't hurt me, idiot." Andy. "George!! Hurry up, man!" I hear more footsteps. "No." I choke out, backing up. My eyes fly open. Jamie. George. Andy. Star. "Just calm down." George says. "I... I c-can't. It hurts." Jamie runs over, grabbing my hand. "Take a deep breath. You'll be okay." "No... I won't... I've got... To go." "Someone needs to tie him up!" George says. I back up, hitting the wall. "No! I can't... You-" "Jason?" My head snaps, hearing someone.... A certain someone say my name. She walked out of our room, rubbing the sleep from her eye. Shit. I don't want her to see me like this. "What's going on?" She mumbles, not fully awake. "Stop... Her." I shakily whisper pointing." "Sorry bro but we need to stop you, first." "No.... I can't.... She can't see me like this!" I gasp. I have no choice. I can't stop it. I quickly run out the door, the sun is just coming up. I run as fast as I possibly can not even knowing where I'm running to. My body takes me...... To.... My parents' house.

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