Chapter 4

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Kiki's POV

I need some fresh air. I'm exhausted and fresh air always helps. I should tell someone, so they won't worry about me.

I wen't to Shirayuki's room.

"Shirayuki, are you here?"
"Hi Kiki, is there anything you need?"
"I just came to tell you that I'm going for a walk."
"Oh, ok"
"Don't worry, I just came so you won't worry"
"Sure, have fun"
"Thanks, I will"

And so I left outside. It was pretty warm for an evening in the spring.

Izana's POV

"Obi, you know what to do"
"Ok, I suggest you go right now, or else you'll lose her sight"
"I will"

Kiki's POV

"I'm just leaving for a walk"
"Ok, go ahead miss Kiki" said one of the guards as I started leaving.

The sky is pretty tonight. It reminds me of my mother.

"See the stars Kiki?"
"Yes, they are so pretty"
"Just like you"
"Miss Kiki, we're very sorry to tell you that, but your mother is deadly sick. We don't know if she's capable of surviving"
"Mom, hold on, I know you can do it"
"We are gathered here, to remember Layla Seiran, a woman who never gave up once in her life."
"Mom, I will never forget you I promise"
"Doctor, his condition has gone worse."
"Dad, I beg you, don't leave me!"

End of flashback

And so both of my parents passed away. I changed a lot. I was rarely happy, and I was almost out of emotions. Nothing could change me. And nothing can. Yes, I am surrounded by lovely people, but no one can change my past.

I never ever wanna look weak again, so that's why I hide my sickness. It makes me feel and look weak and useless.

I felt a tear streaming down my cheeck. Not a time to cry. Not here. Strength left my legs and I fell. Everything went spinning and I couldn't control my head.
"Mitsuhide, Zen...anyone help me please"

And I fainted. In the middle of the forest.

Obi's POV

She fainted and I went to her to check her condition. She was in a bad state. I lifted her up and sneaked to the castle without any of the guards seeing me. I went to Izana's room.

"She fainted in the middle of the forest"
"As I thought. Her health has gone worse. Put her on my sofa for now, and cover her with a blanket."
"Of course"

I did as he told me. She was pale and her body was trembling. Why don't you speak up Kiki?

"I'll take care of her for now you can leave"
"Ok, call me if you need anything"
"Yes yes. You go now and get yourself a girl, Obi"
"Yeah I don't think a girl for me exists"
"What about Red head?"
"I don't want to get killed by my master yet, you know"
"I invited a group of girls to our castle. They will come tomorrow, maybe one of them is for you"
"We'll see"
"Get some rest now Obi, bye"

Izana's POV

She is in worse state day by day. I can understand why she's hiding it, but I think it will reach the limit. Someone needs to know before something worse happens. Sooner or later someone will see her bad state and if that happens...well let's just say that it won't be good.

~the next day~
Zen's POV

"This is so unfair!!"
"Zen, control yourself!" Mitsuhide lectured me
"But she can't go to Tanbarun after I told him what she and I said!!"
"He's the king, Zen"
"I don't care!"
He and Kiki just sighed. Kiki didn't say a thing all this time. I wonder if everything is ok. Then someone knocked on my office door. We all turned our heads towards the door.
"Come in"
Shirayuki came in.
"Zen I-"
She didn't finish her sentence because the exact moment she finished saying my name Kiki fell.
"What is happening to her?!" I started to panic
"She didn't tell me anything, again!" Mitsuhide complained
"Let me check what happened" Shirayuki came closer to help.

"That won't be necessary"

"Lord brother"
"Kiki can come with me, I'll take care of her. I think you need to discuss something more important, Zen"
"I will come with you, king Izana"
"Are you sure Mitsuhide?"
"Ok. Zen and Red head talk this out, we will be in my room"


"THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!!!!" I yelled
"Zen...we need to talk"
"What did that moron do to you Shirayuki?!"
"Nothing really" she tried to tell me, but I didn't believe it
"You are not going to Tanbarun without me, I won't allow it!"
"But Zen, you have work to do"
"Work can wait a day or two"
"You don't need to do that for me"
"Yes I do. I owe you so much and this will also be my repaying to you."
"No objections, I am coming"

Mitsuhide's POV

Why didn't she say anything. I layed her on a couch and sat on a chair Izana gave me.
"You need to know something. But we'll wait for her to wake up"

~20 minutes later~

Kiki's POV

I woke up. Same room as today in the morning. Izana's room. I fainted. In front of everyone. I couldn't hold it in. I can't. Mitsuhide probably hates me for breaking our promise. I owe Izana and Obi so much...what do I do?

"You're awake. Now you can explain things to Mitsuhide who is very confused"

We all sat on chairs. It was quiet for a moment.
"I can't tell you" was all I managed to say.
"Kiki I'm serious about this. Do not lie to me!" Mitsuhide partly yelled
"I just can't!" I yelled and left the room.

That's all for this chapter! Thanks for reading🖤

Deep In My Heart~Zen & Shirayuki, Mitsuhide & Kiki, Obi & Shan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now