Chapter 8

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I can't read because of my head. My break will be over soon and I'll need to work again. So I went to my kitchen and brought a towel and put hot water on it. Then I put it on my head. And then something unexpected happened. Mitsuhide ran in.
"So you're here, that's good"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Shan was almost kidnapped early and Shirayuki was almost yesterday"
"So I'm assuming you think same will happen to me right?"
"No need to worry, I'm a guard"
"I know that but still"
"Mitsuhide are you underestimating me?"
"No, I just think that it's not a good idea to wonder off by yourself"
"I don't wonder by myself, besides, I am strong"
"Ok, no need to get angry...wait why do you have a towel on your head?"
And that reminded me. I was still having a fever and my head hurt. And hey, why not strike me right now when Mitsuhide is here. And so it did. I somehow managed to hide it. I think.
"Oh...I was just wipping my head cause i had dirt on my forhead"
"Makes sense"
Hope he fell for it. I was sweating because I had fever.
"So, anything else you came here for?"
"No, that's it" he spoke and started to leave "and please, be careful" he looked at me with worried eyes before stepping outside of my room.

Mitsuhide's POV

I'm still worried. What if something happens to her? But she has a point though. Part of me was still worried. I walked into Zen's office. He was in terrible condition...again.
"Mitsuhide? Don't you think they stepped over the line?" He asked with his eyebrow twitching
"Of course, they did it the first day they came"
"I just can't describe my feelings towards them. It's like hate them but also not...depends on what mood I am in"
"Hey, Zen...what do you think about Kiki? Do you think she can actually get in trouble?"
"Could be...she's strong but still has weaknesses. I think we should really think about having one to protect her"
"She won't allow it" I said, because I knew she would refuse help
"Unless you do it, right Mitsuhide?" Izana said coming to the room. Zen was shook, but can't say the same for me.
"Lord brother, what are you doing here?"
"Just passing by"
Zen got irritated by his answer so they started to fight. I just stood there waiting for them to finish. Izana then left and Zen looked at me.
"What?" I asked in confusion
"So it's a deal then" he smirked
"A what?"
"A deal, you will protect Kiki"
"Me? H-hey that's not necessary"
"Look who's flustered"
"Am not!"
"Are! Hahahaha" he laughed
"You know you're really annoying sometimes" i replied with a smile
"Hahahaha" he still laughed
"But, I do know how to get that smile off your face" I said as I put a pile of paper down on his desk
"No, please Mitsuhide, can't you make an exception for today?" He asked with annoyed face
"Ugh fine"
"I'll get Kiki "
"Sure, just make sure you don't 'accidentally' kiss her while trying to protect her"
"Seriously Zen, you should stop with your jokes today"
"Hahahaha yea, sure" he said and rolled his eyes
I left the his office and walked to Kiki's room. I saw Villetta and Izana talking in the garden. Smirked appeared on my face, and when I saw Obi and Shan walking to Shirayuki and Ryu's office, the smirk got wider. I stopped at her room and knocked.
"Go away, Akira! I'm sick of you!" She yelled and that made me think. Wait, Akira was here??
"It's me, Mitsuhide"
She's kinda not in her usual mood, I see
"I came to get you, we have guard duties now"
She walked out with tired face expression, towel on her head and without sword. That was super unusual for her. She NEVER forgets her sword. And she's NEVER messy. Something was up.
"Uh, I just remembered, Zen told me we don't have them today, sorry cause I called you out" I needed to lie
"Mitsuhide, I'm starting to think you have dementia" ok, but she still has that comedy in herself.
"anyways see you around" I spoke as I left, not even sure if she heard me.

Deep In My Heart~Zen & Shirayuki, Mitsuhide & Kiki, Obi & Shan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now