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The day went by impossibly slow, but luckily the one period I actually liked was here— lunch. Oh, my dear lunch. My precious baby. Some may say that this is just a normal period but no! It is half a period and it is the best period and nobody can tell me otherwise.

I strolled into the already crowded cafeteria with Lily and sat down at an empty table. How were we even able to find this table, someone may ask. Well, I don't have an answer for them.

Lily and I both rubbed our hands together and opened our lunch boxes.

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to literally faint. I got a pepperoni pizza, goldfish, water, and a bag of cool ranch Doritos," I exclaimed with a watery mouth as I looked at Lily, openening the bag the pizza was concealed in.

"I have chicken noodle soup, grapes, Cheetos, and water," Lily replied with a lick on her lips. We sounded like second graders when we announced what was in our lunch boxes but I didn't care.

"By the way, where even is Jackson? I know he's popular and all because of.." I trailed off as I looked at the cafeteria doors.

     Jackson Hood, Lucas King, Damon Stal, Aubrey Rector, and Natalia Smith walked into the cafeteria.

     "Oh goodness, I swear to my gravestone if Jackson ditched us for those people," I muttered with a groan.

     "Agreed," Lily responded and put her hand under her chin.

     I stood up and walked to Jackson with a disapproved look etched on my face.

"Jackson Kaleb Hood!" I exclaimed dramatically, putting my hand over my heart, "you ditched us to be with them. Those evil monsters are worse than demi-dogs!"

He reluctantly looked around the cafeteria and saw that quite a few people were looking our way, "I know I kind of ditched you, sorry. Natalia needed help with this assignment we were assigned in English, asked me to eat lunch with her and her friends, and I figured that you wouldn't mi-"

"Are you... bored of me?" I cut him off with the question, faking a tear.

"No! Of course not, I just thought-"

"Okay! I expect you to be with us tomorrow, bye now!" I exclaimed and patted his shoulder.

I turned around and went back to the table. Jackson looked confused as ever and the other four people he was with seemed to be quite amused. They all walked to a table with two other people already there.

     I sighed in exasperation, "I'm gonna cry if he never comes back to us. He's our little baby who's scared of literally everything!"

     Lily nodded with a chuckle, "I can't believed he's scared of ladybugs though."

     "Haha, I know right.." I responded with a small fake laugh.

     I was also petrified of ladybugs. They have white eyes for Pete's sake! They also fly onto you and it's absolutely repulsive. I shuddered at the thought of it.

I took the piece of pizza, which was currently the only thing that I desired to be near, and took a big bite out of it. My eyes turned to where Jackson was sitting and I scoffed.

"How much do you bet Natalia is manipulating him?" I asked and grumpily bit out of the pizza.

"A lot," Lily chirped, quietly eating her soup.

Or is it drinking? You use a spoon and put it in your mouth, but you don't technically chew it. Life is so confusing! Either way, she was literally devouring the entire thing. I'd hate to be that soup.

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