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     I drowsily looked around to see a grayish-black ceiling. Memories flooded my mind and I groaned. I looked around the room to see the familiar huge room that I had been in to tutor Lucas. Lucas. Him.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" a familiar voice exclaimed, clapping their hands. Lucas.

"Yeah, now why the heck am I in your bed? Ew, how many people have you had it with in this bed? Ew, ew, ew! Get me out!" I demanded, bile rising up my throat at the thought of the horrid scenes.

"You're cranky when you wake up," he remarked, chuckling. "And I'm not a player, thank you very much. I've had two girlfriends and I only had sex with one of them. Plus, it wasn't even in this bed, so stop being so damn cranky."

"Well, sorry I don't want to be on a bed where you could have had millions of girls do it!" I exclaimed and sat up, a disgusted look on my face even though he said otherwise.

"You're so stereotypical," he said, amused.

I stuck my tongue out at him, partially annoyed but partially playful. Rain poured rather loudly, making me cringe back. I replayed what had happened earlier and one question formed in my mind: How the heck did he find me and how did he know I wasn't already home?

"Hey, how did you even find me? Like, I could've been cozy at home. Without you. Dreaming about fictional characters. You would never know," I pointed out.

"Oh, wouldn't you love to know?" he smirked and continued, "You know how I forced you to give me your number? That took like, ten minutes, but at least you gave in because if not, you could've died!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "What about that?"

"I texted you for like, seven minutes after you left, trying to annoy you. Then I tried calling you fifty million times with no answer. I figured your phone had died and it turns out it did! Okay, anyways, I then realized that you were probably lost because knowing you, you don't pay attention to your surroundings well."

"Well, aren't you just an observant little female dog," I replied in a cooing manner. I paused and choked out, "T-thank yo-ou."

Holy meatballs, I never thought I'd ever have to say that to Lucas King. I then realized that his hair was wet and I was in different clothes. Wait, did he change my clothes while I was unconscious?

"Did you change my clothes?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

He rolled his eyes, "No, you were sleepwalking and somehow happened to change into new clothes."

"I sleepwalk?!" I asked, a surprised look creeping onto my face.

"You're literally more gullible than a four year old," he said, sighing. "I took your soaked shirt, pants, and socks off and put my hoodie on you, okay? That's it."

I gulped hard at his words. Oh goodness, he saw my fake Klaus Mikaelson tattoo. I took a moment to think to myself and let out a breath of relief. False alarm, that washed off a few days ago. We're all good.

"You're pretty cute in my hoodie," Lucas said with a smirk, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm engaged to my bed," I responded quickly and scowled at him.

I rolled off of his bed and stayed on the floor afterwards. The carpet was honestly the softest thing I have ever felt, apart from the large teddy bear I had gotten from my parents for Christmas.

     "This is huge," I mentioned out of the blue, motioning at the rather large bedroom

     "Something else is huge too," he replied with his signature smirk.

     "My love for Jesus Christ, amen, amen." I replied hurriedly, making him laugh a little.

     How vulgar of him. I rolled my eyes at him and decided to make a carpet angel. It's like with snow but with a carpet because it's so soft. I'm not weird, you are.

"There's also hot chocolate on the nightstand because you might have a cold," Lucas informed me.

Yeah, I have no idea why he was being kind to me but it's nice. I sneezed rather loudly and groaned. I probably am sick, which means I'll have to either stay home and do missing work or go to school feeling like the poop emoji does.

     I'll pick the latter.

"Well, you're either sick or it's just a little sneeze," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Or I'm going to die of pneumonia in one week because I underestimated the power of bacteria," I retorted with a small huff.

I sat up, took the hot chocolate from the nightstand, and slowly sipped it. It had already been sitting their for a little while, so it didn't burn my tongue luckily. I contemplated on whether or not to thank him again. After all, he didn't have to come and be the hero but I did appreciate the big gesture.

I muttered a small "thank you" which I didn't even know if it was audible to him or not, but it didn't matter to me much. As long as I somehow got those two words out there.

A tiny smirk creep up onto Lucas's face which made me roll my eyes. He had heard it and would never let me live my life without bothering me about it now. But maybe he wouldn't do such an evil thing. That's when I realized that I didn't really know him a single bit. Except for the fact that he makes snarky comments and inappropriate remarks all of the time.

"Well, what's your favorite color?" I asked before adding, "and why?"

"I can't choose," he said, a grin appearing on his face. "They're all pretty cool either way, right? Why not favor them all equally?"

"You sound like the eight year old version of me right now," I responded and laughed. I took another sip from the hot chocolate and said, "I used to think that the colors' feelings would get hurt so whenever someone asked me what my favorite color was, I would say all of them."

"How cute of you," he remarked, spinning around in the chair he was sitting in.

I didn't bother to answer the dark brown haired boy as I kept drinking the hot chocolate. Literally it was better than McDonald's hot chocolate and their's was the best I'd ever had in my entire life. Up until now, of course.

     Gosh, Lucas and I are actually bonding over something. I consider it a miracle, considering how different he was from me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it, to be completely honest. It's not like I was forcing myself to enjoy his company, but I just did. Oh well, I'll just see where these tutoring session take me.

heyy guys, i wasn't going to finish this chapter, but i was reading this amazing fanfic and i felt inspired. ugh i'm literally so attached to this story and the story i'm reading rn

anyways, i hope you all have had a good day so far (:

qotd: are you obsessed with [a] celebrit(y/ies) & who are they if so?

aotd: forever and always. mainly 5sos rn but there are other people ig? twenty øne piløts as well for sure (; AND klaus mikaelson oh yes

- aspen

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